Aphrodisiacs: Deception Or Panacea?

Aphrodisiacs: Deception Or Panacea?
Aphrodisiacs: Deception Or Panacea?

Aphrodisiacs, named after the ancient Greek goddess of love Aphrodite, are plant and animal substances that enhance sexual arousal. Men and women have used them for centuries, but today scientists doubt whether some products actually have such miraculous properties.

Aphrodisiacs: Deception or Panacea?
Aphrodisiacs: Deception or Panacea?

What substances are considered aphrodisiacs

Aphrodisiacs include a wide variety of drinks, foods, and aromas. The list of them is very extensive. It contains such common things as celery, avocado, ginseng, oysters, clove and cinnamon aromas, licorice, bacon, chocolate, as well as very exotic extracts from the genital glands of rabbits or rhino horn. Aphrodisiacs do not include dietary supplements, medications and various panacea products sold in online stores that promise amazing sexual feats.

Do aphrodisiacs really work?

Many aphrodisiacs actually work - this has been proven by generations of people around the world. But this has its own subtleties. For example, rhino horn is a very popular remedy for men. The unfortunate animal, carrying on itself a part of the body so valuable for a strong half of humanity, lives in those regions of India and Africa, whose inhabitants traditionally suffer from a lack of phosphorus and calcium in the body. And it is these substances that are contained in the horn.

An African who has eaten it will improve the condition of the whole body, including the genitourinary system. If the preparation of the horn is given to a European who does not experience a shortage of these microelements, he will not feel the difference.

A similar situation is observed with oysters, which contain a lot of zinc. Regular consumption of them in food will increase the level of zinc in humans, which will have a beneficial effect on the whole body.

Do not discount the placebo effect. Not only the genitals, but also the brain take part in arousal. If a man or woman is sure that under the influence of a miracle cure they will be able to relax and show their best side in bed, this usually happens.

Spaniard fly is a popular aphrodisiac that causes blood flow to the genitals. However, at the same time, it adversely affects the kidneys, liver, central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Should you use aphrodisiacs?

Arousal proponents like to say that if you haven't been influenced, you simply haven't found the aphrodisiac that's right for you. In reality, eating anchovies during a romantic dinner or having a rose oil massage given to your partner will not harm you. And, perhaps, in the course of experiments, you will really find a remedy that helps you to relax and causes excitement in you.
