In vitro fertilization (IVF) technology gives infertile couples hope for the birth of their own children. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of a federal quota for the IVF procedure, which fully covers the cost of treatment.

- - visit a gynecologist;
- - the passport;
- - compulsory medical insurance policy;
- - pension insurance certificate;
- - visit the commission for the selection of patients for IVF;
Step 1
You can count on a federal quota if your couple is unable to have children within one year.
Step 2
Contact your gynecologist at the antenatal clinic at your place of residence and inform about your desire to receive an IVF quota. The doctor must collect the necessary documents and submit them to the head doctor for signature. The documents must contain an extract from the medical history, data on examinations and analyzes, information on previous treatment. Also, the doctor will provide an opinion on the need for infertility treatment with IVF.
Step 3
Having received the necessary documents from the attending physician, go to the commission for the selection of patients for the provision of high-tech medical care. Such commissions are created by the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Step 4
In addition to the documents that the gynecologist will provide, you also submit the following documents to the commission: a copy of a passport or birth certificate, a copy of a pension insurance certificate, a copy of a compulsory health insurance policy, and an application for a quota.
Step 5
The term for consideration of the application is no more than ten days. Usually, the application is considered in absentia, but, just in case, be prepared for the fact that you may be summoned to a meeting of the commission.
Step 6
If a positive decision is made, the commission will send the relevant documents to the federal medical institution in which you will undergo treatment. You will also be informed of the decision through your doctor.
Step 7
Now wait for news from the commission of the specified medical institution. It will decide how to get treatment for you. If you come for an in-person consultation, it must be accepted within three days, otherwise the commission has ten days.
Step 8
When you are informed of a positive decision, find out the date of the scheduled operation and start preparing for it.