Parting is always painful and offensive, so in order to somehow alleviate your condition, you can try to express all your feelings in a letter to your former lover.

Where to write to your ex after breaking up
If you decide to write about your feelings to your ex-boyfriend, you should not use your mobile phone for this. The SMS message will most likely remain unanswered, and you will not be able to convey all your thoughts and feelings through it.
It would be very romantic to use the old way of writing: handwriting it on a piece of paper. Recently, however, young men and women have been trying to use e-mail or social networks for correspondence.
What to write to your ex
To make it easier for you, you should write a sincere letter to your ex, in which you put your whole soul.
Start writing from the moment you meet. Say that you still remember the first time you saw him, that word for word remember your first conversation. How beautiful and interesting he once seemed to you. Say that when everything was just beginning for you, you hoped that you met true love that will last a lifetime.
Remind him of how you loved to dream together. Surely your plans included a family, children and a small cozy house. Perhaps you have always wanted to go on a trip together, but all your dreams have never come true.
Try to speculate in your letter about why it happened, why a seemingly ideal relationship led to such an outcome. Analyze your behavior and his behavior, find mistakes in it and think about how you could solve them and fix everything together.
Do not blame the young man for everything. Do it smarter and take most of the blame. Say that only now you understand that somewhere you behaved incorrectly, maybe they were often jealous, paid little attention, or provoked your loved one into jealousy. He must understand that you have begun to realize everything and are ready to change for the better.
Thank your ex for the time you spent together. Say that you were very good with him, that you can hardly ever fall in love with someone as much as him, but you hope that in his life he will definitely meet a person to whom he will relate better, than to you, whom he will love more, appreciate more. You must let him know that you still have feelings for him, but you let him go with a clear conscience and will no longer make any attempts and steps to meet him. Let it be happy, but only without you.