When To Have Sex After Childbirth

When To Have Sex After Childbirth
When To Have Sex After Childbirth

The onset of sexual activity after childbirth is best discussed with your doctor individually. After all, it depends on many factors: whether the process was natural or a cesarean section was required, whether there were complications during and after childbirth, how the recovery proceeds, etc.

When to have sex after childbirth
When to have sex after childbirth

Sexual life after childbirth - when it is already possible

The onset of sexual activity after childbirth is an individual process. In the absence of complications during pregnancy and during childbirth, with rapid recovery of the uterus, cessation of bleeding, doctors recommend having sex no earlier than one and a half to two months after the baby is born. This is how much time it takes for the genitals of a completely healthy woman to recover.

From the very beginning of sexual activity, it is necessary to use means of contraception. Even if you have not had your period yet, this does not mean that you cannot get pregnant again. Ovulation can happen at any time.

After a cesarean section or difficult labor, the recovery process can be delayed. During the operation, a deep incision is made that involves the muscles. In addition, a scar forms on the uterus. The healing time of tissues for each person is individual, therefore, it is better to start having sex after a cesarean section only after passing an examination by a gynecologist.

If during childbirth there were ruptures, an inflammatory process, bleeding began, with sexual activity, you need to wait until complete recovery.

Sexual life is very beneficial for the restoration of female genital organs. During orgasm, the uterus contracts, returning to its original size.

Sex after childbirth - where to start

The first intercourse after childbirth should be quite careful. The woman has undergone hormonal changes, it may take more time for her to arouse and release lubricant. In addition, due to prolonged abstinence, especially after a cesarean section, the vagina may become too narrow and the penetration of the penis can cause pain and discomfort. Therefore, a man and a woman should discuss sensations, and if soreness, friction, lack of lubrication occurs, spend more time on foreplay, or wait a few more days with sex.

Many sexologists argue that women who did not have an orgasm before childbirth, after finally begin to experience the pleasure of sex. This is influenced by hormonal changes. However, in the first weeks after the onset of sexual activity, one should be very attentive to the consequences of intercourse. If you suddenly start brownish discharge, or even bleed, it is better to consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps there is no reason for concern, and it just came the first menstruation. But there is a possibility that bleeding has begun, which can be very dangerous for a woman's health.
