Features Of Sex After Childbirth

Features Of Sex After Childbirth
Features Of Sex After Childbirth

Childbirth is a very traumatic process. Physically and emotionally. Many women claim that during the contractions and attempts they promised themselves that there will never be sex in their life again. How can you improve your sex life after childbirth?

is it possible to have sex after childbirth
is it possible to have sex after childbirth

When can you have sex after childbirth?

Medicine claims that the restoration of sexual function takes at least two months. And this is with physiologically normal childbirth. If the child was born as a result of a cesarean section, the woman had internal or external stitches, the recovery will take longer.

Even if the husband insists, do not force yourself: it will only get worse. It is better to explain the situation to him and offer a temporary replacement - oral, and if the couple is practicing - anal sex.

Features of sexual life after childbirth: about complexes

Young mothers face many sexual problems after childbirth. One of them is the embarrassment about the appearance. After childbirth, most of the tummy remains, stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, veins protrude. All this does not add attractiveness.

The figure can subsequently be partially corrected by physical education. But active exercises are possible only after the end of breastfeeding. But there is nothing to be done with stretched skin. This fact must be taken as a reverse medal of happy motherhood.

The husband is an adequate person and will understand a lot. However, you need to watch yourself. Get up early (you can sleep with your child throughout the day), tidy up your hair, dress in nice home clothes. And no matter how the day goes, there should be relative order in the house by the time the husband arrives from work, the child will change into clean clothes, and the wife should be fully armed. By the way, Muslim women, whose family ties are durable, do just that: they put on jewelry and dress up at home for their husbands, and not to go out. Special attention is paid to the chest. It is worth emphasizing its deep neckline: for a nursing mother, this zone is always in great shape.

All these activities will help you feel attractive and feminine. And hence - mutual sexual desire.

If your own figure is embarrassing, you can correct it with underwear, for example, a corset. The husband will surely be delighted with the diversity, and the young mother will feel more relaxed. At first, you can make love in the twilight. This will add romance and hide skin imperfections.

What can help restore the vagina after childbirth?

Passing through the birth canal, the baby's head inevitably deforms and stretches them. Especially if a woman gave birth to her first child after 25 years. First time sex can feel like a pencil in a glass. And due to the fact that the girth of the penis is not tight enough, air can enter the vagina. It comes out with a characteristic unpleasant chomping sound. All these are the costs of motherhood. Over time, the condition of the genitals will improve. Special exercises (for example, according to the Kegel system) can help in this. They will also make it possible to get rid of urinary incontinence, which, alas, is a frequent consequence of traumatic childbirth in adulthood.

Another problem is vaginal dryness. This is a common occurrence after childbirth, but there is a great solution - a special lubricant sold in pharmacies.

Problems with the husband after the birth of the child

A woman loves a child as a physiological being with an all-consuming, unconditional love. This is a maternal instinct. A man, on the contrary, sees in a child a personality - an heir, a successor. His love wakes up gradually and grows with age.

The husband simply cannot unconditionally love the red baby who yells at midnight, constantly pissing, pooping and vomiting. The child takes away from the woman the lion's share of the attention and time that was previously given to the man. In addition, he ruined her figure. Because of him, she walks around the house in an unkempt dressing gown with red eyes and does not preen herself as carefully as before. Now the husband has to go shopping. The costs of diapers and infant formula are very expensive. And plus to everything - the wife cooks less and worse. This is, of course, an exaggerated description. But there is a great deal of truth in it. The conclusions are obvious: it is also difficult for a man. And we must understand this. It is worth giving him time, attention and trying to pamper. Including sex.
