The children's beauty pageant is a serious challenge not only for young participants, but also for their families. When preparing, it is important to take into account all the nuances from a beautiful gait and a sincere smile to the endurance of a child. And also - do not forget that in this competition the main thing is not victory, but participation.

Step 1
You should start thinking about performing at a beauty contest at least a year before the X hour. It is best to go to the finals or intermediate rounds of existing competitions, watch videos. This will help you get an idea of the unspoken rules of a particular competition. Somewhere the jury focuses on the creative performances of the children, somewhere the charisma and self-confidence of the young participants play a big role. Finally, you need to pay attention to how the winners look: whether the girls have complex hairstyles, whether they apply makeup, etc.
Step 2
When preparing your offspring for a beauty contest, it is useful to take your daughter or son to sports activities in advance. Gymnastics, swimming, yoga - these and other sports will help to form a beautiful posture and gait, give the baby strength. If opportunities permit, it is good to devote individual hours to rhythm or choreography. This contributes to the development of the child's grace and grace. In addition, the acquired skills can be demonstrated in the creative round of the competition.
Step 3
A few months before the competition, it will be useful for a young participant to sign up for acting classes. Together with experienced teachers, it is easier for children to get used to being on stage, in the center of attention of a large hall. In addition, in such studios, the children develop the ability to confidently hold themselves in difficult moments, speak loudly and clearly, show their emotions and artistry. Learned etudes can also form the basis for performing on a creative tour.
Step 4
Preparing for the intellectual stage is a little more difficult. It is important not to stuff girls and boys with all kinds of knowledge, but to develop the talent to quickly navigate in any situation. This is facilitated, firstly, by the atmosphere in the family. You can all play together in board games that require a dialogue of all participants, discuss the books you have read, come up with their sequels, etc. Secondly, a change in environment contributes to the development of the child. These can be visits to guests with the involvement of children in general conversations, interactive excursions to museums and parks, etc. And if the child is very shy about the attention of adults, it is better to solve this problem together with a competent psychologist.
Step 5
Before the competition itself, you need to think over and rehearse all the details of the performance. You can write the text of the business card yourself or contact a specialized holiday agency for help. The main thing is that the child can easily memorize and reproduce it. It is better to entrust the production of a creative performance to professionals - coaches, choreographers, acting teachers. A master class for a fashion show in an elegant dress can be obtained at the school for young models.
Step 6
One of the most important aspects of preparing a child for a children's beauty contest is a psychological attitude. It is important for a daughter or son to understand that regardless of the result of the competition, they will still be the most beloved for their relatives and friends. As a rule, the organizers try to present prizes in various nominations to each participant. But in case someone is left without a ribbon and crown, parents need to prepare their child for such an outcome in advance.