Dentists should be consulted as early as possible in order to preserve their teeth as long as possible. Children's dentists are becoming more and more popular, because it has long been known that permanent teeth also depend on the health of milk teeth.

- - birth certificate of the child and its copy
- - compulsory medical insurance policy and its copy
- - parent's passport
- - child's medical card
Step 1
A child must go through many doctors a year, and a pediatric dentist is also one of the obligatory specialists. Because already at this age, the average baby has 8 milk teeth - this is average data - someone may have more, and someone may not have at all. The first examination is needed to check the correct bite, to prevent gum disease.
Step 2
In the future, it is advisable to visit a pediatric dentist once a year in order to avoid early loss of milk teeth, because this can lead to abnormal growth of the indigenous.
Step 3
If you go to the dentist in your polyclinic, where the child is assigned, then only a preliminary appointment is required to visit a specialist. Registration can be done through the reception, by calling by phone or by going there in person.
Step 4
If an electronic registration system operates in the clinic, then you can do it yourself or on the website of public services, having previously registered there, or call the operator who will register you, or through the terminal installed in the clinic. In this case, you need to know the number of the child's medical policy.
Step 5
If there is no pediatric specialist in your clinic and you are sent to another, then usually the pediatrician gives a referral there. And also can carry out your recording. But it is possible that you have to make an appointment yourself. At the same time, it is imperative to have on hand the child's medical policy and its copy, the child's birth certificate and its copy, as well as your passport with a copy. A medical card for the child is entered at the registry and an appointment with a doctor is made. In some cases, it is possible to receive immediately without an appointment. When applying again, documents are no longer required, only a preliminary appointment.
Step 6
If you want to see your child in a private medical center, then, as a rule, there are no special formalities when registering. Although there are centers that are also included in the general insurance system and, if you have an OMI policy, are accepted free of charge. If the center is paid, then it is enough to call there and sign up. If there is no queue, you can be received immediately. No directions are required.