If a family has decided to have a pet, but cannot decide on the choice of an animal, practical advice will help.

Step 1
You need to choose a pet based on the character, lifestyle of the family and characteristics in habits. Therefore, at the family council it is necessary to discuss the possible options, the pros and cons, as well as the personal preferences of all family members.
Step 2
If you want to have an agreeable animal, like a soft domestic toy, then you should pay attention to dwarf breeds. These dogs are very affectionate, they will easily become the favorites of all family members. They do not require complex maintenance and large portions of feeding. Large breed dogs and freedom-loving cats will not be able to play the role of house toys, so choose carefully.
Step 3
If your relatives are used to leading a fairly active lifestyle, family members go in for sports, get out together for outdoor recreation, you can safely get a large breed dog, which will become a full member of the family as its protector. Dogs need to move a lot, so she will always be happy to accompany you on all your outings. Large breed dogs should be started if there is enough space in the house, but it is better to build a separate enclosure for the animal.
Step 4
The cat will become an excellent pet for people who do not want, or do not have the opportunity to pay much attention to the animal. Depending on the breed and disposition, cats can be playful and calm, moderately lacquered. At home, a soft and warm creature will always wait for you, which will delight and calm the owner after a hard day's work. Bringing cats into a family with children should be done carefully. Small children can be careless with animals, and cats with a freedom-loving disposition can hurt a child with claws, or bite.
Step 5
If the schedule in the family is especially tough and there is no way to devote much time to your pet, as an option, you can have various rodents, birds, fish. It is good to have such animals for children who are already capable of caring for them. This will help foster in the child a sense of responsibility, the ability to fulfill their duties, the child learns to love and care for another living being.
Step 6
Lovers of exotic animals should be careful with the choice, since many animals, especially reptiles, carry various infections, this can be dangerous for children. Various large insects are also dangerous.