Sooner or later, most children start asking their parents for a pet. Adults often find it difficult to decide on the acquisition of a friend for their baby, as there are many factors to consider, ranging from safety to the individual preferences of the child.

The role of animals in the development of children
A pet not only gives its love and warmth, it teaches the child discipline, organization and responsibility. Children, in whose families a pet is kept, more quickly realize that the animal is not a toy, but a living creature that needs respect. Thanks to the four-legged friend, the child finds it easier to find a common language with peers, develops intellectually faster and experiences less stress. Communication with a pet contributes to the development of logic in the baby, because the child has to observe the animal and draw conclusions. And most importantly, a pet gives positive emotions that are never superfluous.

However, a pet can be potentially dangerous. You should not have four-legged pets in families of children with allergies. A cat or dog walking on the street should be regularly taken to the veterinarian for examination and vaccinations, because the animal can be a source of infection. Parents of young children should also be careful when choosing a breed of cats and dogs - you need to avoid overly large and aggressive animals.

Which animal to choose
Many children dream of a dog. This four-legged pet is sociable, smart and can become a real friend for many years. The dog will teach your child to be responsible, show him an example of true friendship and devotion. However, keeping a dog at home also involves a number of difficulties - you need to walk with it, train and educate, and caring for an animal also takes a lot of time and effort. All these worries are likely to fall on the shoulders of the parents - only a teenager can take care of the dog on their own.

The cat is another favorite animal for most children. This is a very intelligent and independent pet, his love needs to be won. Cats mostly love petting - and kids love to pet them. By purring and touching, the cat relieves pain, soothes. Naturally, if the child is very small, you should not let him hurt the cat - defensively, the animal can injure the baby.
Hamsters, guinea pigs and other rodents are relatively easy to keep, but their main drawback is that they cannot become friends with the baby. In addition, a small child can accidentally crush or drop the animal - getting rodents is appropriate for school-age children.
Birds, fish, turtles, newts and other similar pets do not always seem interesting to children due to the fact that it is almost impossible to play with them and cannot be stroked. However, this living creature is interesting to watch, and a young naturalist 9-10 years old may like them.
Helpful advice - choose a pet with your child and be sure to discuss his responsibilities related to caring for the pet. Consider the character and inclinations of your baby - it will be interesting for a phlegmatic person to watch hamsters, but a choleric person needs a more lively and active friend.