How To Be A Leader In Relationships

How To Be A Leader In Relationships
How To Be A Leader In Relationships

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Even in the era of unconditional male dominance, there were women who not only claim to be the leader of the family, but also very successfully cope with it. Another thing is that women housewives had to achieve this in a roundabout way, carefully concealing their ambitions, so as not to be subject to public condemnation. Now the wife, in most cases, works on an equal basis with her husband, and sometimes makes a greater contribution to the family treasury. If she is naturally energetic, with a strong character, then she often pretends to be a leader in relationships.

How to be a leader in relationships
How to be a leader in relationships


Step 1

First of all, both husband and wife should firmly remember that being a leader does not mean “suppress, oppress, bully”. The family is not an army, and even less a prison, relations of the type "the order of the boss - the law for the subordinate" are inappropriate and unacceptable here. Marriage is an art of compromise, and the leader will not so much have to give orders as to convince them that they are right.

Step 2

To be a leader means to take full responsibility for the family. How successful and prosperous family life will be depends on how the leader copes with his task. Therefore, both husband and wife should soberly weigh, assess their abilities and capabilities. For example, if a husband is delicate, shy, on the verge of weakness, he hardly needs to declare: "I am a man, so everything will be my way with us!" Especially if the wife, in contrast to him, is energetic, decisive, punchy. But the wife is simply ashamed to claim leadership, to force her husband to act in her own way, resorting to such female weapons as scandals, tantrums, tears.

Step 3

It is better to agree in advance in which controversial cases the wife will have the decisive word, and in which - the husband. This will help prevent unnecessary fights.

Step 4

The leader must behave calmly, restrained, confident, nothing - neither behavior, nor voice, nor gestures, without showing confusion. At the same time, he must be able to briefly, clearly and convincingly explain why he should act exactly as he thinks is right. Without this skill, it is better not to even stutter about leadership claims.
