In the past, children were taught restraint and modesty. Adults tried to instill in them delicacy, tact, taught that one must first think about other people, and then about oneself. But in connection with political and social changes in the country, new concepts have appeared: the market, career growth, initiative. Teachers advise that children should be instilled with high self-esteem, self-esteem, so that they can lead among their peers. Today, these qualities are essential elements of success that must be instilled from childhood.

Step 1
Try to encourage the child's desire to learn everything interesting, new, and not just learn the given.
Step 2
If your child is worried that something will not work out, explain that it is impossible to achieve anything without risk. But convey to his consciousness that the risk must be within reasonable limits. For example, it is silly to run across the road in front of a nearby car.
Step 3
Do not forget that self-confidence is brought up in a child from the first steps, so instill it, encourage it. Explain that no matter how high your abilities are, you must first of all believe in success and that he is able to accomplish it. People are more willing to go after a confident person, rather than someone who doubts. Determination will come in handy in his life more than once.
Step 4
Do not protect your child unnecessarily from mistakes, because as a result, he gains practical experience, learns to make decisions himself, as well as to be responsible for their consequences. Therefore, do not blow off dust particles from it and do not try to protect it from an erroneous step.
Step 5
Do not rush immediately to the aid of your child, if difficulties are encountered on his way, do not do something for him. Find out his suggestions on how to get out of this problem. After all, the ability to propose one's own version and the possibilities of its solution are the hallmarks of a leader. If he suggests incorrectly, try carefully to give him the right path. But you don't have to do anything for him, just tell me.
Step 6
Let your child dream, no matter how far away his dreams are from life. But it is very important that he thinks about their implementation, and not just dream.
Step 7
Promote practical leadership skills. Enroll your child in some section, a circle, where he can gain experience in the field of communication and the ability to build relationships with children and adults.
Step 8
If the child does not understand what he wants, help him with the definition of his interests. By acting in a field he is familiar with, he gains the confidence that lies at the heart of leadership.
Step 9
Teach your child how to maintain great relationships with all children, not just friends. Share with him one of the secrets of a leader - to greet people every day and smile at them.
Step 10
Encourage your child to speak freely in front of a large audience. This skill is one of the main qualities of a leader. Tell him how to perform correctly. Let him practice at home: read aloud learned poems, prose. Pay his attention to where you need to speak louder or quieter, where to pronounce more expressively, what to emphasize. Learn to analyze the text, isolate the main passages.
Step 11
Cultivate the ability to accept criticism without feeling torment, anguish, and shame. But criticism should also be aimed at correcting shortcomings. It is unacceptable to humiliate a child. It is necessary to criticize in private, and not in front of everyone. Make comments on the merits, do not belittle the child's abilities. For example, if your daughter started a pogrom in the kitchen, do not rush to swear, ask what she was going to do. Perhaps she wanted to prepare something for your arrival, but it did not work out.
Step 12
Teach your child to evaluate their achievements and actions realistically. Don't praise imaginary talent if you don't really have one. Such children develop inadequate self-esteem, self-esteem grows. Accustomed to praise from adults, they expect it from their peers, and in return they receive ridicule, because they will not praise, if not for anything. Support the child's desire to be independent by explaining tactfully that any skill requires experience, suggesting the best way, and offering your help.