Not every person has leadership qualities and dreams of being a leader. Parents should understand this and, if they have a quiet and modest child with a calm temperament, do not try to remake him. The main task of every parent is to educate a person who believes in himself and knows his own worth. And, although self-esteem is formed throughout a person's life, already from the birth of a baby, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

Step 1
From the very first days of your child's life, listen to him. Learn to understand what his requests mean, do not ignore his crying, respond to his smile and babble. The kid should know that he has come to a benevolent world, where he is loved and his opinion is taken into account. Show your love no matter what, even if you are tired or upset by his behavior. This will be the foundation of his self-confidence.
Step 2
Do not compare your child to other children or criticize. You can condemn his actions, but do not criticize him. For example, if he accidentally broke or broke something, instead of punishing him, try to fix the breakage together. The habit of immediately correcting your mistake will help in your future life much more than the readiness to self-deprecation.
Step 3
It would seem that the more a child is allowed, the more he believes in himself. But getting used to doing whatever he wants, without recognizing the limitations in principle, the child will not be able to adequately behave in the adult world. Set a framework for it, but let there be not many restrictions at once. Introduce new "no" into your contract with your baby gradually. Start with the most painful one, for example: "We don't take away toys from other children, we don't beat girls."
Step 4
Let your child help you: put the laundry in the wash, remove dry clothes, etc. Praise him even if he does something awkward. The kid will feel that his help is appreciated, and will gladly want to help you again.
Step 5
Don't laugh at the child. Especially in public. There is nothing more humiliating. Especially if it is the laughter of family people whom he used to trust. Do not tell the kid about his mistakes, about how he confused the right shoe with the left one. This can make the child forget about trying to dress on their own. He will be afraid to make mistakes again and look funny.
Step 6
Train him to freedom of choice, do not decide everything for the child. Let the kid sometimes choose which hat to wear, what to eat for breakfast, with whom and what to play with. Then he will learn to make decisions and act on his own.
Step 7
Encourage him if he fails. Try to instill in him confidence that he can do anything. In a difficult situation, your words will be remembered and will help him.
Step 8
When communicating with your child, try to use less phrases like these: “Don't run, you will fall! Do not touch, you will break! . Let him develop his own experience.
Step 9
Do not demand the impossible from the child, do not rush him. If he is embarrassed to recite poetry at a kindergarten holiday, do not insist. After all, if, being agitated, he forgets the words - this can discourage him from his desire for public speaking for a long time. Let him first perform with his family, and only then, having gained confidence in his abilities, will enter the “big stage”.
Step 10
Praise him. In communicating with future personalities, confident in themselves, a special language is needed. Remember: not "incomprehensible scribbles" - but "alien animal". Emphasize that what he is doing is good. When the kid is finished drawing, offer to hang the drawing on the wall in his room. And at the end, give advice for the future: "Don't you think that it is better to draw lines with paints, and not to smear them all over the sheet?"
Step 11
Build a positive parenting image. Never say: "You are so-and-so, all like a father!" or mom. If the parents praise each other, the mother will say: "You are smart, just like your dad!", And the father will notice: "You are hardworking, all in your mother!" - the baby will definitely understand that such wonderful parents can only have a wonderful child.
Step 12
Loving parents are not the only people whose opinion a child will have to face. Therefore, evaluate his success adequately and as objectively as possible. Let him be really aware of his strengths, know what he can do and what he doesn’t. Teach him not to give up and try again. Do not play "adoring parents" so that your child does not depend on other people's opinions. Self-confidence is also the ability to develop independently, without seeking the approval of others.