Influencing purchasing behavior allows you to systematize the regular purchase of goods and services. To effectively promote a product, you need to find out exactly which buyers form the market for the consumption of a particular product.

Personality factors
The personal factors influencing purchasing behavior, first of all, include the age and economic situation of a person. Accordingly, the higher the social status of the consumer, the larger purchases he can make. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the marital status of a person, namely the presence of a wife, children, closest relatives. This factor will affect the nature of purchases and their quantitative indicator.
The lifestyle of people in a particular buying environment plays an important role in marketing. For example, a sporting goods and health food store will generate more income among wealthy people. It is more rational to locate such enterprises in large cities than in villages.
Psychological factors
There are many techniques that can be used to model customer behavior. Consumer motivation to buy a particular product is possible through the suggestion of benefits. Yellow price tags, promotions “two goods for the price of one”, prices like “9, 99”, all this has an incredible effect on a person. It seems to him that he is winning, even if the value of the product has actually fallen in price by less than two percent.
A huge role is played by a person's perception of the product. Any shopping center, divided into sections, has a certain locus of influence on any analyzer at each point. Suppose a consumer walks over to a baked goods store. He will certainly feel the rich smell of fresh bread, and he will want to buy it. Each department also has individually tailored lighting, music, etc. The better these kinds of stimuli are interconnected, the longer the customer stays in the store. This in turn increases the chances that a particular item will be purchased.
Placing goods in a store is a kind of art. Essential products are most often placed in the farthest corner of the building. This encourages the buyer to take the route through all possible shops, as well as purchase what was unplanned. Very prudently, from the point of view of marketing psychology, the goods are located at the cash registers. Bright packages with sweets are placed so low that a child can reach them. Sometimes parents may not notice that there is an added item in their shopping cart. However, this phenomenon extends not only to children, but also to adults. The so-called effect of a little joy, when you understand that your budget will not be reduced if you indulge yourself with one chocolate bar.