Sex Influences A Woman's Appearance

Sex Influences A Woman's Appearance
Sex Influences A Woman's Appearance

More people have sex just for the sake of getting pleasure, satisfying their physical needs, and relieving sexual tension. However, few people know that sex is an excellent prevention of many diseases. But how are sex and women's health interconnected?

Sex influences a woman's appearance
Sex influences a woman's appearance

Conclusions of scientists

Sex certainly has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. During sex, the heart pumps blood much faster, which, in turn, rushes through the vessels with great pressure. All this prevents the formation of blood clots and serves as an excellent remedy for vegetative-vascular dystonia. The improved blood circulation as a result ensures optimal oxygenation of the body tissues.

During sex in the saliva, the amount of antibacterial bacteria increases, which have a detrimental effect on microorganisms that destroy tooth enamel. Hence, sex is good for dental health.

Sex and women's health

After conducting research, scientists have come to the conclusion that frequent sex helps produce immunoglobulin A antibodies, which strengthen the immune system, as well as increase the body's resistance to various infections.

Sex also promotes the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the generation of new cells in the brain. Scientists recommend having regular sex to avoid illness in old age.

During intercourse, a large dose of joy hormones is released into the bloodstream. They not only create sensations of pleasure, but also affect the reduction of the stress hormone. This means that sex is the most powerful antidepressant. In addition, endorphins are excellent pain relievers and are especially helpful for headaches. It turns out that in vain women deny their young men sex, referring to a headache.

During sex, the ovaries produce a certain hormone estrogen, which has a positive effect on the condition of a woman's skin, hair and nails. It also prevents the development of heart disease. And the hormone prostaglandin, released during sex, prevents women from developing long-term depression. Thus, sex and women's health are directly interconnected.

Sex is also good for insomnia. It promotes relaxation, serenity and calmness, thus improving the quality of sleep. It is recommended to make love not only before going to bed, but also in the morning - at this time, love games will help improve the general tone of the body, give a boost of energy and positiveness for the whole day.

Sex can solve problems associated with being overweight. During one intercourse, you can burn about 200 calories, which is equivalent to 30 minutes of running or 20 minutes of swimming. During sex, even those muscle groups that are not subject to any kind of sports are strengthened.

Having sex periodically with a regular man, you will not only get pleasure, but also improve the well-being of your body, protect yourself from many diseases, and prolong its youth.
