How To Leave A Jealous Husband

How To Leave A Jealous Husband
How To Leave A Jealous Husband

Pathological jealousy has destroyed more than one family. This feeling destroys love and sows hatred in its place. Husbands who are overly jealous of their wives often do not realize that they are endangering their families and dooming loved ones in the face of ongoing hostilities. At some point, patience ends, and the wives of jealous people decide to leave.

Don't wait to be strangled
Don't wait to be strangled

Step one: make a decision

Jealousy is not harmless: on the basis of this feeling, a large number of murders are committed every year around the world. Only in Russia is this number approaching a thousand. Nobody canceled "Othello's syndrome": the successors of the mad Moor live, live and continue to terrorize their wives. If you think things have gone too far, do not patiently wait for Desdemona's fate. Do not regret anything, do not hold on to material goods, but just slam the door and leave before it's too late.

The experience of women who abandoned jealous spouses shows that a jealous person is not so terrible as he is painted. When you live with him, it seems that the slightest hint of your leaving will lead to a tragic outcome. To avoid gruesome scenes and possible violence, chop off the shoulder. Do not feel sorry for this person: he is not worth it. Think about whether he felt sorry for you after harassing you for years. What kind of love can we talk about if you are able to live a day without a sedative? One should not talk about leaving, but leave. Preferably quickly and without warning.

Step two: take care of the place of residence

Remember the movie In Bed with the Enemy. This film should become a reference book for women who want to get away from their pathologically jealous husband. In order to leave a dangerous and aggressive husband, you need all your mind, all your will. Prepare your departure in advance: take care of your place of residence. The ideal option is to leave for another city or another country. If you cannot afford to leave, go to your mother, but by no means to your sister or friend.

Step three: prepare the material base

Your spouse understands perfectly well that without money you will not go anywhere. It is likely that he controls the family budget and does not allow a single extra penny to remain unaccounted for. Be more cunning: cheat, come up with some additional spending (for a school, for example) and collect money. You can leave only when you stand on your feet and gain material independence. If you work, then hide the true size of your salary, if you do not work, look for a job urgently. It may take you years to collect the required amount, but the end justifies the means in this case.

Be smarter and smarter

As a rule, jealous husbands choose young and inexperienced wives for themselves. This is understandable since young women are easier to manipulate. Here is just one thing they do not take into account that next to such a husband, the wife grows up very quickly. If you feel that you are beginning to understand something in life, hide it from your husband. Let him still consider you a young fool and look at you with confidence in complete mental superiority. Rest assured that the moment will come when you can play on this and get rid of your spouse when he least expects it.
