It is believed that the name is the formula of fate. Since ancient times, people have closely linked these two concepts: name and fate. Attempts to explain the mysterious connection continue to this day.

Step 1
Scientists dealing with the issues of compatibility in love have come to the unanimous conclusion: there is no absolute biological incompatibility. Thanks to this, a person can normally be in a certain social environment, communicate and be friends with a large number of people. But still, the same attitude towards everyone around you is nonsense. Everyone has their own, sometimes not subject to logic, preferences in choosing the nearest environment. Today there are a huge number of tests, techniques, horoscopes designed to find out if there is compatibility between specific people, and what fate awaits their union.
Step 2
Name element compatibility
Each name is directly associated with one or more known elements - Fire, Air, Water or Earth. Knowing the features characteristic of the elements, it is easy to predict how the relationship with this or that partner will develop. So, the names of the elements of Fire are filled with sonorous letters, people are inclined to risk, energetic. Fire male names: Ruslan, Lev, Leonid, Andrey Igor, Yaroslav, Victor, Nikita, Nikolay. Fire feminine names: Victoria, Veronica, Seraphima, Yaroslava.
Step 3
The Air Release is distinguished by the easily pronounced sounds of names. People are mobile and not very sensitive. Male names of Air: Boris, Luka, Vadim.
Female Names of Air: Clara, Svetlana, Elena, Raisa, Ella.
Step 4
The names of the elements of the Earth are rich in consonants, especially deaf ones. People are practical, loyal and constant. Male names of the Earth: Dmitry, Konstantin, Peter, Georgy, Egor, Yuri.
The female names of the Earth: Violetta, Oia, Tamara, Anfisa, Rimma.
Step 5
The names of the elements of water are soft. People of this element are sensitive, vulnerable and very impressionable. The male names of Water: Nahum, Fock, Moses.
Women's names of Water: Margarita, Inna, Snezhana, Galina, Marina.
Step 6
The names of the earth are perfect for the names of the water element, and the fiery ones are compatible with the air ones.
Step 7
Spell compatibility
It is believed that people whose names contain the same letters are compatible with each other. They will get along well, reach out to each other. Their character traits are somewhat similar. They feel comfortable next to them. When choosing a life partner, you should pay attention to such a detail as a combination of letters. The presence of the same letters in the names is a guarantee of harmony in relationships and family happiness.
If the names of the companions do not contain the same letters, and they are completely out of tune, the halves will quickly get tired of each other. Often, intuitively, the couple comes up with affectionate names for each other. Thus, a man and a woman become closer to each other, and the names are more compatible.
Step 8
In addition to the main listed methods for determining the compatibility of names, other methods are also known - numerological, zodiacal, by planets.
Step 9
It should be said that one cannot blindly trust various types of tests, horoscopes, forecasts and methods. To make people feel comfortable with each other, it is not enough to have only compatible names. In addition to many things independent of a person, there should be a desire for each other, the ability to yield, work on oneself and on relationships.