How To Increase The Appetite Of An Infant

How To Increase The Appetite Of An Infant
How To Increase The Appetite Of An Infant

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For the first six months of life, the natural food for an infant is breast milk. But after six months, you can already start feeding the child with food that adults eat. Many norms for baby food have been developed, but mothers often face such a situation that the child does not want to eat in the amount recommended by the pediatrician, and sometimes even refuses everything except the breast. How to get your baby interested in food and not develop bad eating habits?

How to increase the appetite of an infant
How to increase the appetite of an infant


Step 1

An important aspect of a child's transition to an adult meal is his nutritional interest. Usually, the kid is curious about what adults eat with such an appetite. Therefore, take your child with you to the table at any meal, while not focusing on food, behave naturally. If the crumb shows interest in the process, you can give him a personal plate and spoon. If this does not satisfy curiosity, then you can give your baby a tiny piece of what is on your plate. Of course, this food should be such that it can be given to a baby without fear - without salt, spices, not fried.

Step 2

Maintain your child's interest in food. If food is not imposed, but, on the contrary, given with reluctance, then the baby's food interest does not fade away, and he wants to try more and more. The portions of food can be increased, but gradually, observing the reaction of the child's body.

Step 3

When you feel that the food portions are already large enough, let your child take the food from your plate himself. Maybe he wants to take food with his hands, or he wants to use a spoon like an adult.

Step 4

Give your child a piece of vegetable or fruit between meals. You can offer banana, bell peppers, apples, cucumbers. Make sure that the baby does not bite off too large pieces, if this happens, then immediately remove this piece from the baby's mouth, as they can choke.

Step 5

Try to arrange all meals at a common table, gathering the whole family. This will help instill good eating habits.

Step 6

Invite friends with older children to visit. When your little one sees another child devouring food from his plate with appetite, he is unlikely to refuse to try what is there.
