A robust kid, eating porridge on both cheeks with appetite, and grateful adults offering him spoon after spoon “for dad, for mom” is the dream of any parent. But the reality is that a huge number of dads and moms are faced with the opposite problem.

It is believed that a child's good appetite is a sign of good health. Indeed, the appetite in children decreases if they become ill. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to exclude a direct relationship between a decrease in appetite and the state of health of the child. But what if the baby is healthy, but eats poorly, does not show interest in food, and at the sight of food begins to be capricious or even refuses it? Many mothers consider a plentiful table a guarantee of the strength and strength of the child. Therefore, they try to feed their child, whatever the cost. And thus, by consuming more food than is necessary, an overload of the child's body occurs. Of course, you need to take the necessary measures so that your child eats, but in no case should you force the baby to eat through force, force feed him. This can develop in him the appearance of negative associations associated with eating. Never scold or intimidate children if they do not eat well. You will not achieve the desired effect, and the mood will be ruined, and even the eaten lunch is unlikely to go for the future. It is possible that your child does not accept certain types of food that you think are good for him. And the child may not be satisfied with the taste of the product or the way it looks. Try to find substitutes for foods that are nutritious to your baby but are not accepted. Try to stick to your daily diet. The presence of certain traditions is always important for children. Create a specific mealtime ritual - at specific times, with a beautiful setting, if possible with other family members. At the table, you should not be distracted by watching television, it will be better if at this moment you will discuss some business, be interested in how the child's day went. The aspect of communication is important for children. Make eating food fun and enjoyable. Create a friendly atmosphere at the table. Children are very sensitive when adults are concerned about something, raise their voices, get nervous. If your child is already older, you can involve him in the cooking process. Give him a little task: knead a piece of dough, mold a dumpling, put a spoonful of sour cream, add seasoning to the dish. It may not work out right away, but interest in food will certainly appear. Diversify the daily diet of your baby. Food should not only be tasty and healthy, but also interestingly designed, contain new products. Eating well and with appetite will not work right away, but you need to show maximum patience and understanding so that your baby has an interest in food.