Why People Give Up Their Own Happiness

Why People Give Up Their Own Happiness
Why People Give Up Their Own Happiness

It is believed that the need for happiness and joy is one of the basic ones in humans. However, not everyone manages to approach this state, and sometimes people independently refuse their happiness.

Why People Give Up Their Own Happiness
Why People Give Up Their Own Happiness

Life on autopilot

The easiest way to miss your own happiness is when you don't know clearly what you want from life. Often, from childhood, a person lives according to a pattern, finishes the school to which his parents sent him, then the university, which was the easiest to enter, goes to work in the first place where he was accepted, then he meets a man or woman and gets married, has children … Life in this case can take place unconsciously, as if automatically. Under the influence of some circumstances, a person may suddenly think that life is boring for him and that he wanted something different. Someone will decide to change, but someone will not have the courage, because the unknown is scary.

Fears and complexes

In the case when a person initially knows what he wants and what he needs for happiness, sometimes complexes, fears and indecision interfere. For example, a young man wants to become an artist or a designer, but under pressure from his parents he goes to study to become a lawyer. Even if he manages to make a good career, he will most likely feel dissatisfied and blame himself for not being able to defend his desires. It also happens that a person dreams of realizing himself in a profession where oratory is required, but in public, out of fear, he cannot even connect two words. Then he can try to overcome fear, including with the help of a psychologist. If this fails, then the dream remains unfulfilled.

Often people are stopped by public opinion and existing stereotypes. For example, a 35-year-old man realized that he wants to change his profession and he even has a certain amount of insurance to complete the courses or start his own business. But acquaintances and relatives are skeptical about his ideas and say that it is too late and that stability is most important. And a person cannot afford to be internally independent and do what he wants.

It is difficult to be happy for someone who grew up in a family with a strict upbringing and does not consider his desires worthy of attention. He is not used to identifying his needs and meeting them. He always tries to do what is needed. Such a person can be a workaholic and deprive himself of rest, and in the family try, first of all, for the husband or wife and children, and forget about himself. This behavior stems primarily from low self-esteem, lack of self-love and feelings of unworthiness.

Personal life

People are not happy enough also because they cannot be near their loved ones. Thus, a man or woman can love a person who is already married and has children. Not everyone dares to destroy a family. Or a man does not dare to propose to a woman, and then she marries another. Also, lovers can disperse under pressure from their parents and due to the fact that they belong to different strata of society.
