The transition to first grade is a very important event for a child and an adult. From this stage, a completely different life begins, new rules, a new regime, new difficulties. In any case, the child will need the help of parents to adapt to the new regime, to feel like a part of the class, to learn how to control his day and his work.

It often happens that the child does not differ in particular academic success. Perhaps something is more difficult for him, but something is easier. Then the dissatisfied parents try to solve the problem using a variety of, sometimes harsh, methods. For example, prohibit going for a walk, watching your favorite cartoon or playing, believing that by doing so they will push the kid to study. But more often than not, the opposite is true: the child resists and speaks negatively about learning.
This attitude towards education is developed through the punishment of the parents, because the child draws a parallel and believes that it is the school that is to blame for all his prohibitions. Of course, this will not manifest itself immediately, but if the situation repeats itself regularly, then this is exactly the attitude the child will have. Usually, this problem lasts until the end of the school year, and in a neglected case - until adolescence.
In order to understand the child, parents need to remember what they were like when they entered the first grade, how difficult and exciting it was. If a student has any difficulties, then you can turn to psychologists. This specialist can help to understand different situations and the child and his parents. And the most important thing is to maintain trust in the family.
Parents should build their relationship with the baby so that he can always turn to them for support. The child should feel that he is understood, loved and appreciated. He needs to know that they do not want him to be harmed, but only take care of him. A psychologist can play an important role in this matter. It can help a family maintain a relationship of trust.
It is extremely common for parents to believe that the more a child learns, the better. But, like any person, the baby should have rest, especially when it comes to walking in the fresh air. Therefore, in order for the child not to be indignant and not speak out negatively about innovations, parents need to talk to him and discuss a new daily routine, which will include both study and rest.
There are children who want to go to sports or creative sections, but parents think that this is not as important as studying. They are deluded. Because do not forget about the interests and hobbies of the child. Moreover, a change in activity is the best rest, especially when it is good.