The body of a small child needs a constant intake of essential vitamins and minerals, which contribute to its growth and timely development. They are found not only in special preparations, but also in all vegetables and fruits, such as apricots.

Nutrition for small children
From early childhood, the baby needs to be gradually given fruits and vegetables, which are the best sources of many nutrients. At the same time, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods gradually, otherwise you can harm the sensitive children's stomach, which is not yet used to adult food. Apricot is one of the most important fruits that are useful for the child's body, but you need to give it to your baby very carefully.
The fact is that this product is a fairly strong allergen, and therefore it is not recommended for children prone to such reactions to include it in their meals.
When and how should a small child be given an apricot?
If you have not noticed that your baby reacts painfully to the use of certain products, pediatricians recommend introducing a fruit such as an apricot into the diet only after reaching the age of six months. It should be noted that it is not advisable to purchase imported products. This is due to the fact that in most cases all fruits and vegetables that come to Russia from abroad are processed with a large number of chemicals that contribute to their safety and rapid ripening.
It is these additives that can negatively affect the child's body, even if you rinse all the products very carefully.
When deciding to give your baby an apricot for the first time, try to prepare the baby's intestines in advance. Cook compote from fruit, using a very small amount of sugar for this, give the child a few drops for a sample and see his reaction during the day. If your little one does not start to have a stomach ache, and does not develop an allergy, if everything is in perfect order with his health, after a few days you can try to introduce natural apricot or apricot puree into the baby's diet, but its amount should be minimal. In no case do not give the apricot along with the skin, as it is it that is most often the causative agent of an allergic reaction.
Never engage in amateur activities, before giving anything to your child, consult your doctor without fail, and only after he permits the introduction of complementary foods, you can give your baby third-party products other than breast milk. At the same time, never give several types of fruits in one day, since then you will not be able to understand which one caused the wrong reaction of the body.