Parents' meeting in kindergarten should be held 4-5 times a year. The first parent meeting is held in September when the children move to the next group. It elects the parent committee, which will deal with household issues and solve all the problems that arise. At a meeting of parents from the same group, the presence of the senior educator and the head of the kindergarten is desirable, but not required.

It is necessary
- the exact schedule of the parent meeting;
- meeting plan.
Step 1
It is necessary to warn parents about the day and hour of the parent-teacher conference two weeks in advance by posting a notice on the group's bulletin board. Also, the teacher must verbally tell the parents that there will be a meeting and ask them to attend.
Step 2
Both educators working in this group should jointly prepare for the parent meeting. It is necessary to write a plan for the conduct and ask the head of the kindergarten and the senior teacher for educational work to attend the meeting, especially if there is a discussion of general topics that relate to the entire kindergarten.
Step 3
At the beginning of the meeting, it is necessary to briefly talk about the success of the children about the new skills and abilities that the children have acquired. Tell about which of the children is especially successful in developing activities, and who else needs a little work. Explain what classes need to be done at home, especially if the meeting is held in a preparatory group. Nothing bad is said about the child in the presence of all the parents. If you need to discuss any personal topic, the parent of the child is asked to stay after the meeting.
Step 4
If a representative of the kindergarten administration is present at the meeting, then general kindergarten topics are raised. For example, about the repair or improvement of a playground.
Step 5
The chairman of the parent committee is speaking. Household and household issues are being resolved. The needs for which it is necessary to raise money are determined and the general meeting decides how much and when it will be done.
Step 6
If the meeting precedes some holiday or a significant event in the group, then problems that may arise during these events and the help that parents can provide during the celebrations are solved.
Step 7
In general, at the parent meeting, all topics related to the educational process and economic and household activities of this institution are decided.