Before you enter into a serious relationship with someone or understand that a person is not close in spirit, you need to know at least a little about his soul, thoughts and worldview. Therefore, people appoint each other the first meetings for closer and private communication.

Step 1
The time of long expectations and doubts has passed - finally, your chosen one invited you on a first date. This is a very important event between two people, comparable to a job interview. The further fate of the relationship depends on him: will the two become a couple or will continue to look for their soul mate. Therefore, it is very important to show what kind of person you are, without rudeness, pretense, flattery and narcissism.
Step 2
The first thing to start with in preparation for your first meeting is to do your looks. Depending on where your gentleman invited you, you need to choose a spectacular outfit. If this is a cafe or restaurant, then you should emphasize your figure and femininity with a cocktail dress. If this is an extreme vacation for two, you need clothes that are comfortable, comfortable and warm, but not devoid of style. Hair, makeup and accessories should only complement the image, and not go against it.
Step 3
When you find yourself in the right place at the appointed hour and see your beau, do not hide your smile and cheer him up with modest compliments. But don't overdo it - don't make your man either feel embarrassed or proud of himself.
Step 4
In a conversation with a gentleman, listen to his stories more, empathize. Try to understand how a person lives and thinks. As soon as you find common topics of conversation, be sure to engage in dialogue. Do not upset your partner with the "silent game". Do not forget that you are an interesting person with your life experience and knowledge and you have something to share with people. When talking to each other, eye contact is very important. If you know how to charm with a glance, look deeply and penetratingly at the interlocutor, your gentleman will not want to let you go, he will look for more and more meetings.
Step 5
When you first meet, do not forget about touching and fleeting caresses. Hold the hand of your chosen one for a moment, accidentally touch his leg under the table, let him take your hand and put his arm around your shoulders. But do not overdo it - you do not need to give a man ambiguous hints.