Is It Possible To Have Sex On The First Day Of Meeting

Is It Possible To Have Sex On The First Day Of Meeting
Is It Possible To Have Sex On The First Day Of Meeting

The prohibition to have sex on the day of acquaintance is one of the most common taboos for women. Men, on the other hand, often strive for this, especially if they just want to have fun and find a girlfriend for constant intimate meetings, and not a future wife.

Is it possible to have sex on the first day of meeting
Is it possible to have sex on the first day of meeting

When is it worth having sex on the day of the first meeting

The transition of the first date to lovemaking is relevant if you need sex, you do not know where to put the accumulated energy and how to satisfy your "hunger", and a new acquaintance seems quite attractive in this regard. Such a quick physiological and psychological release after a long accumulated stress can be very useful, if, of course, you are correctly protected.

If you are not looking for a serious relationship, but start short holiday romances or get to know each other exclusively for a pleasant joint relaxation in bed, this option is perfect for you.

Sex on the day you meet can be an interesting test. If after that the partner does not want to get in touch, it means that he is looking first of all for entertainment, only you will find out about this immediately, and not after a long candy-flower period.

Why you shouldn't choose sex on the day you meet

Sex after the first meeting can end up being a very bad idea if you choose the wrong partner. There is a risk of contracting a venereal disease and subsequently regretting a hastily taken decision for a long time. Of course, after a few months of dating, the risk remains, but it is already much lower, since you can get to know your partner better.

Unfortunately, even contraceptives don't always help you get out of trouble. This can be another problem: the more nervous you get, the less enjoyment you get.

Having sex on the day of your acquaintance, you run the risk of sounding like an easily accessible person who easily goes to an intimate relationship and is not valuable for a serious relationship. Of course, there is a chance that your partner will approve of sex so quickly, but they are still not too great.

Amorous people who are easily carried away by new relationships should beware of such a development of events. It is too easy to feel a special connection with a person with whom you are in the same bed, and even fall in love with him, and soon become severely disappointed. There is another risk: sometimes after having sex on the day of dating, a relationship based on passion is struck. When the passion wears off and sex becomes secondary, it may turn out that the partners do not suit each other well, and they are united primarily by the bed. Of course, there is also a chance to live happily ever after after such an experience, but you should understand that it may turn out to be small.
