How To Treat Green Snot In A Child

How To Treat Green Snot In A Child
How To Treat Green Snot In A Child

Discharge from the nose during a cold causes a lot of inconvenience to the child. If, at the same time, the baby does not have a temperature, parents often do not pay attention to the secreted mucus, but in vain. If a child has green snot flowing from his nose, this is a reason to seriously think about his state of health.

Runny nose in a child
Runny nose in a child

Causes of discharge

Green snot in a child is the result of the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that inhabit the nasopharynx. After they enter the baby's nose, the body tries to get rid of the infection with the help of mucus. If bacteria are actively multiplying, then the mucus changes color: from transparent it becomes green. It is impossible to ignore such a course of the disease, green snot in a child can lead to serious complications.

The main reasons for the appearance of green snot are ARVI, viral or bacterial rhinitis, a strong allergic reaction. When it comes to allergies, then everything is clear: just take the drugs prescribed by your doctor. But when the child does not have such a diagnosis, do not start the process, start treatment that will help avoid the spread of the disease to the bronchi, throat or ears.

How to remove green snot from a child

The use of any medications should be started only after consulting a doctor and making the correct diagnosis. However, there are universal recommendations that are suitable for relieving a runny nose and nasal congestion.

The first step is to thoroughly clean the room. Wash the floor, utensils and all surfaces that can harbor bacteria with disinfectants. Change your child's bedding. Reduce the room temperature by frequent ventilation.

Do not be afraid to open windows and vents for a short time in any weather, while avoiding drafts. Bacteria live well and multiply in stagnant air at high temperatures in the apartment. Frequent airing will help get rid of them.

Humidify the indoor air. This can be done with a special humidifier or by covering the batteries with wet sheets. Dry air contributes to a greater appearance of green snot in the child, and moist air greatly facilitates nasal breathing.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes can be a great addition to the main course of treatment (but not a substitute for it!). Free your baby's nose of mucus before starting any procedure. For babies, there are special devices that help remove snot. Older children can rinse their nose with saline or saline solution and a syringe.

Carrot and parsley juice has a good antibacterial effect. They can lubricate the mucous membrane of the child. Inhalations with chamomile or eucalyptus also help.

In order to prevent the reappearance of green snot in a child, try to strengthen his immunity: walk more and more, play sports together, observe the rules of personal hygiene. Then your baby will not be afraid of any illnesses.
