A runny nose is the main companion of a cold that your child could catch. Green nasal discharge must be started to be treated, everything cannot be left to chance, otherwise this problem may develop into sinusitis. After all, thick mucus gives the baby a lot of inconvenience, he cannot breathe and eat normally.

Causes of the appearance of green snot
The appearance of green snot indicates the presence of a bacterial infection in the child's body. Neutrophils, which have the ability to fight infection, die. And the products of their decay and microorganisms determine the color of the discharge from the nose. Most often, snot appears in the winter and autumn periods, when the immune defense is weakened. Changes in the environment and weather conditions affect the child's body.
At the beginning of the development of a cold, a liquid substance begins to flow from the nose. Then pathogens multiply in the respiratory tract, flora and bacteria join, as a result, the process of development of microorganisms begins. As a result, mucus appears in the form of thick green snot. There is swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. If not treated correctly, the infection progresses and can lead to otitis media, sinusitis, and maxillary sinus damage.
Drug treatment
To facilitate the child's breathing, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops, which should be instilled after the doctor's recommendations received. Do not under any circumstances exceed the indicated dosage. In the case of frequent use of drops in the nasal cavity, the vessels narrow, which leads to drying out of secretions and damage to the mucous membrane. Often, doctors prescribe antibiotics, but their use can weaken the body and develop dysbiosis. Therefore, antibiotics should be used with extreme caution.
You can prepare gentle saline-based nasal drops at home. It is also recommended to instill a weak saline solution into the child's nasal passages. Such products are considered safe, they are not addictive, and they reduce the amount of green snot produced.
Traditional methods of treatment
With the help of medications, you will remove the inflammatory process, then you can already resort to treatment with folk remedies. To relieve your child of the torture of green snot, prepare an herbal solution. To do this, mix a tablespoon of yarrow and calendula, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for thirty minutes. Then strain, use the cooled infusion for instillation into the nose.
An effective folk remedy for nasal discharge is a remedy made from freshly squeezed juices of potatoes, beets and carrots. Mix the juices in equal proportions and put a few drops into your nose. In the next few hours, the inflammatory process will decrease. You can bury natural bee honey, previously diluted in saline.
Walk with your child in the fresh air more often, provide the baby with adequate nutrition to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system. Products should contain a sufficient amount of amino acids, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins that help strengthen the body.