Sometimes, living with a man who clearly does not suit her, a woman believes that she loves him and tries to revive the already hopeless relationship. However, alas, this can be a waste of time and effort.

Women can treat their beloved in different ways. Some believe that a man's character can be changed. Some use long-term "training" for this, sometimes act with cunning, and sometimes with scandals, and try to remake the faithful "for themselves." Others accept the partner as he is, with all the advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes, wearing rose-colored glasses, women of both types may not immediately see the signs that the relationship is already at an impasse, and something needs to be done about it.
What is not worth putting up with? What are the signs of men with whom it is better not to continue?
1. A common variant is that a man has a set of rules and laws by which a woman should live. Deviations from them are not allowed. The wife, in his opinion, is obliged to do all the housework, to obey him without complaint. Having no opinion of her own, she should be happy only from the fact that he chose her. He should always have fresh clothes, a delicious dinner, cleanliness in the apartment. Even the wife's illness is not considered an excuse that she did not have time to do something.
2. If a man is a drinker, life with him turns into hell. Constant abuse, reproaches, and often assault can drive a woman to despair. When the relationship was just starting, she may not have paid attention to this man's bad habit. The situation often gets worse over the years.
3. A man who has not achieved anything in life begins to envy others, get angry if his wife has a good job, and her career is going uphill. Uncertain of himself, he tries to lock the woman in four walls. Most often, such men insist that they should manage the money by giving their wife a certain amount for food. At the same time, a man remains unhappy if his wife has exceeded the expense or made a purchase that he does not approve of, even if it was not made with his money.
4. There is another type of men that you should stay away from - those who like to live off women. As a rule, they do not buy groceries, explaining that they do not like to go shopping. In a cafe, it suddenly turns out that the man forgot his wallet at home, and now gives the lady the right to pay for it. He cannot call himself, since he has run out of money on his phone. If this is repeated over and over again, it is hardly temporary difficulties. It's just that the man is happy with everything.
5. There is an easy way to find out if you need this man. To do this, you need to imagine your life together in a few years. Just try to look at things realistically, not through rose-colored glasses. If you realize that you are thinking with horror about such a prospect, this is the most important sign that it is time to end the relationship.