After a woman finds out that she will become a mother, she has many questions. In order not to miss anything while waiting for the baby, you need to create your own pregnancy schedule.

Get yourself a thick notebook in which you will write down plans for the week, the results of their implementation, and your feelings at this or that period of pregnancy. You need to plan accordingly, and a wellness diary will help you in case you want to give birth to one or two more children in the future.
When making plans for the first trimester of pregnancy, take into account the critical timing associated with an increased risk of threatened termination. These are 3-4 and 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, try to avoid physical and emotional stress, exclude sex life. If your work is connected with business trips, try to postpone them to another time. The graph will help you navigate in time.
When making plans for your pregnancy, schedule the days to see your supervising doctor. Indicate the days of the tests, ultrasound examination, etc.
During pregnancy, a woman needs to eat properly in order to provide her growing baby with the necessary substances. Schedule a list of the foods you will be consuming on a daily basis. The diet must include food containing easily digestible proteins, which serve as building blocks for the formation of fetal organs. This meat is turkey, colic or lean beef, it needs about 150 g per day. A pregnant woman needs to drink milk in an amount of 500 ml, sour cream 20 g per day. It is also necessary to consume 400 g of vegetables and fruits daily.
After 30 weeks of maternity leave, you will have more free time. You can plan shopping trips in search of a dowry for your toddler. Schedule appropriate plans, try not to overwork yourself with long trips, combine your active travel with rest.
Such careful planning and adherence to the planned activities will allow you not to miss the details, and to provide yourself and your child with everything you need.