In order for the child to grow and develop normally during the prenatal period, one should monitor what he receives from the mother's body. Experts recommend paying special attention to nutrition during this period.

Eating "for two", not "for two"
Some advisors recommend that the expectant mother eat for two. But you should not listen to such recommendations, it is better to change the diet not in quantitative, but in qualitative terms. After all, not all products are useful for a developing baby, so it is worthwhile to correctly plan your diet.
The functioning of the human body is due to the energy that is received from the outside. Its formation is influenced by food products that burn in the body, which contain energy value expressed in calories. In some it is more, in others the calorie content is very low. To function normally and to function properly, the body needs the calories it receives from food. Each person needs a certain minimum amount of calories in order to stay alive.
In modern science, the dependence of the basal metabolism on certain factors is determined. Nutritionists believe that metabolism is influenced by body weight, height, age and gender. For example, for a representative of the fair sex 18-45 years old, having an average height, normal body weight (58-70 kg) and engaged in light physical labor, it is considered the norm to receive from 1850 to 2100 kcal per day. Pregnancy increases your basal metabolic rate by 25 percent. Therefore, the expectant mother in the first trimester should receive an average of 2550 kcal, and in recent months this amount increases to 2700-3000 kcal per day.
Sign of malnutrition
During pregnancy, it is very important to adhere to proper nutrition and avoid harmful foods. After all, the baby will receive all the substances obtained from food, and it is important for him to receive all the necessary trace elements for full development. There are several signs of malnutrition that experts pay attention to:
- insufficient food intake;
- the necessary components are taken in the wrong ratio;
- consumption of low-quality products;
- oversupply.
The threat of malnutrition in pregnant women
There are several pathologies that occur if a pregnant woman does not eat properly:
- In the third trimester, the appearance of gestosis or toxicological manifestations is sometimes observed. It is expressed in the form of painful conditions. If the phenomenon proceeds in a severe form, then there is an accumulation of fluid inside the body. A similar manifestation of dropsy of pregnant women is called. Among other things, protein can be lost by the body, being excreted along with urine. In this case, blood pressure can increase, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms appear.
- The problem of miscarriage due to premature labor and miscarriages, since if the diet of the placenta is incorrect, then its development is impossible.
- The likelihood of premature placental abruption increases. At a later date, the placenta separates from the uterine walls, which in a large number of cases leads to the death of the child and bleeding in the mother.
- With an unbalanced and poor diet, a woman becomes weaker during childbirth and cannot fully participate in labor. As a result, labor is long, painful, and often requires stimulation or medical intervention.
- Malnutrition can lead to postpartum haemorrhage or decreased blood clotting. Perineal wounds heal slowly, and uterine contraction takes longer.
- The fetus develops incorrectly at the time of intrauterine presence, which leads to an insufficient birth weight and low vitality.
It is not easy to follow the correct diet, but it is necessary for the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. If the expectant mother eats properly, then this contributes to the fact that the baby will be born healthy and viable.
Proper nutrition
A good diet should include:
- proteins;
- carbohydrates;
- fats;
- vitamin and mineral substances, including iron, magnesium, calcium, table salt and others;
- liquid.
Let's consider each of the components that must be introduced into food in more detail.
The main "building material" a baby needs is protein. A certain set of products must be present on the menu of pregnant women: meat and dairy products, eggs, as well as products containing animal fats. It is necessary to consume at least 100 g of protein during the day in the first month of pregnancy. In the second and subsequent months, the proportion of protein foods should increase to 120 g. The daily food intake of a pregnant woman, according to nutritionists, should consist of 100-150 g of lean meat or fish. Milk and some fermented milk product should be introduced, and the use of cheese and cottage cheese is also important. The above products have a high content of easily digestible proteins, essential acids.
The diet of pregnant women should include carbohydrates. At first, the amount of carbohydrates should be about 350 g, and in the middle of the term it is useful to slightly increase the intake to the 400-gram mark. On maternity leave, experts advise to reduce the number of calories, as there is a decrease in physical activity and energy consumption of the body. For pregnant women, it is worth eating foods with a high content of vegetable fiber in the form of cereals, vegetables, fruit and berry products. The second half of the term requires the restriction of some products. You should eat less sugar, sweets, white bread, rolls, pasta and confectionery.
During the day, you should consume about 80 g of fat, of which the share of vegetable is about 30 g. Nutritionists advise to exclude the use of margarine, lard, and butter substitutes.
To ensure various biochemical and physiological processes in the body, it is good to receive the required amount of vitamins. Each vitamin is necessary to supply the body of a pregnant woman and an unborn child. Experts advise, in addition to foods rich in vitamins, to use a specially developed vitamin and mineral complex, which helps to maintain the balance of the necessary substances. It contains the entire periodic table, making up for the lack of micro- and macroelements necessary for the body of the mother and the future baby.
Drinking 2-2, 5 liters of various liquids during the day, especially at the height of summer. Preference should be given to freshly squeezed juice products, compotes, jelly, tea and milk drinks, boiled water.
Eating hazardous products
Raw oysters and shellfish become dangerous products during this time period. When consumed, harmful bacteria or viruses can enter the body.
You should carefully choose meat and fish products. Among other things, you should carefully prepare foods in order to exclude the possibility of poisoning, as this can affect not only the female body, but also lead to problems in the development of the child.
Pregnant women should refrain from or at least limit their caffeine intake.
It is worth excluding the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, which negatively affect the body of the unborn child, causing deformities and health problems.
So, women, preparing for such an important step as having a child, must not only completely abandon bad habits, but also build their diet so as to benefit the child.