Registration Of Patronage For A Child From An Orphanage On Weekends

Registration Of Patronage For A Child From An Orphanage On Weekends
Registration Of Patronage For A Child From An Orphanage On Weekends

Foster care is a form of child custody. If people cannot take a child for full support, then a weekend patronage will be a good solution. However, in order to obtain custody of a minor, it is necessary to go through a number of procedures and collect a package of documents.

Registration of patronage for a child from an orphanage on weekends
Registration of patronage for a child from an orphanage on weekends

There are several types of foster care, one of which is weekend foster care. This type of guardianship has been quite developed in Russia in recent years. In this way, children from the orphanage get the opportunity to learn what a family is, they learn to communicate with adults, try on various social roles.

It is not uncommon for a weekend patronage to become full patronage. Often in this way, people try to get used to a child from an orphanage, trying to understand whether they can replace his parents, become a family.

As a rule, single women or men choose weekend patronage as a form of custody of a child. It is more difficult for them to obtain guardianship or obtain full patronage. Guardianship is possible not only over a citizen until his majority. If the pupil is studying full-time, then the patronage of the day off is extended to 23 years.

It should be said that foster care is available only for adult citizens without gender requirements. To do this, you need to contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence, where, first of all, you will have to write a statement about the desire to become a foster caregiver.

On the basis of the application, a patronage commission of employees of the guardianship and guardianship authorities will be created, which will conduct a survey of housing conditions. As a result of this, a conclusion will be made whether the pupil will be able to be in such conditions, whether they comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. The commission establishes the timing of the examination, about which the applicant for the role of foster care is notified in advance.

It should be said that patronage is a form of upbringing on a reimbursable basis. It is practiced in a number of regions of the Russian Federation as part of family education.

The foster care provider is paid for his services. In addition, he is credited with teaching experience in his work biography.

Along with the statement of desire to become a foster caregiver, the applicant for this role provides a number of documents: copies of the passport, TIN, pension certificate, autobiography, documents establishing ownership, certificates of the physical and mental state of health of the applicant for caregivers and the people who live with him, a certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record. Recently, it has been practiced for future educators to take specialized courses. Sometimes the guardianship and trusteeship authorities request a certificate of their termination.

If the patronage commission decides that the child can stay over the weekend in a particular house, then you should proceed to the execution of an agreement between the child care institution and the teacher. It prescribes the time that the pupil is expected to spend in the family, as well as the amount of payment. It should be said that weekend patronage can be both long-term and short-term. This is also stipulated in the contract.

Oddly enough, sometimes, due to bureaucratic obstacles, it is not possible to quickly issue a weekend patronage for a child from an orphanage. Some people do it for a month. However, nothing can compare with the joy of children's eyes and the smile of a happy child.
