How To Subjugate A Woman

How To Subjugate A Woman
How To Subjugate A Woman

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Any woman can fall in love with herself, captivate, conquer and subjugate a man. But not in every couple or family a man will agree to this. If this state of affairs is strongly contrary to his temperament and strong nature, then he will certainly try to change the current situation.

How to subjugate a woman
How to subjugate a woman


Step 1

Show your masculine qualities, be persistent and persistent, do not back down if she tries to impose her point of view on you. Explain that the house should be owned by a man, not a woman. Remember that a woman is by nature a weak being, and she needs a strong male shoulder to support her. Even if a woman tries her best and proves that she is completely independent and independent, she simply needs a strong man nearby.

Step 2

Don't let your companion do too much. Words can be superfluous - insults or actions that can in some way offend and belittle manhood. Nip such behavior in the bud. Behave in a proper manner, conform to the image of a "real" man. A woman will never submit to a man she does not respect.

Step 3

Remember how men behave in the east. There, all women are subordinate to men, because from childhood they are instilled in such a way of life. The men there are decisive and courageous. It is not necessary, of course, to copy their behavior, but to forget that such "softness" is simply necessary.

Step 4

Fall in love with her. Do things that will speak volumes and prove that you are a good person and a real man. Give gifts, make pleasant surprises, keep promises and don't offend her. She will not be able to resist a harsh conqueror and at the same time a sweet darling.

Step 5

Remind her, if you are Orthodox Christians, that according to Orthodox canons, a woman must obey a man unquestioningly, obeying him in everything. If a wife rereads with her husband, then she is committing a great sin.
