Love, friendship and passion are those feelings that enrich a person's life. But often people themselves confuse these concepts, mistaking passion for love and seeing in friendly participation signs of an incipient attraction.

How love is different from passion
Falling in love is constant thoughts of only one person, a sharp change in mood, a sudden craving for lyrical films. Passion is a manifestation of falling in love. You feel like you are irresistibly attracted to your loved one, both psychologically and sexually. I want to constantly be with my partner, to touch him.
Passion is characterized by the strongest release of certain hormones, so rational thinking is turned off for a while. When the mind is blinded by passion, you do not see the obvious flaws of your partner, and even the lack of common interests and goals in life does not bother you. A distinctive moment of passion is that it can arise unexpectedly and does not always lead to a serious relationship. Dating for one night is also one of the manifestations of the outbreak of passion.
About 60% of people believe in friendship between a man and a woman. Others believe that this is just a hidden manifestation of passion.
Love is a deeper and more peaceful feeling. If passion is compared to the flash of a match, then love is more like an even flame. In addition to sexual and psychological attraction, love is characterized by such qualities as trust, respect, mutual understanding, compliance, caring.
Love does not arise spontaneously; it takes time for such a deep feeling to take root. Passion is not always reborn into love - sometimes it just passes, especially if the partners do not have similar interests and aspirations, they do not suit each other in character or do not want to change and adapt to another person. Love always requires concessions - you have to put up with minor flaws and sometimes do not the way you want. But a loving person does not see discomfort in this.
According to some researchers, love lasts from 6 months to 3 years. However, there is evidence that this feeling can persist throughout life.
Friendship is one of the most amazing things in life
Friendship is an established affection, sympathy for each other of two or more people. Unlike love and passion, friendship has no sexual connotation. Friendly feelings are also quite calm, rarely a person suffers very much if he is away from a friend. Modern technology successfully maintains friendship at a distance.
Friendly feelings remain some of the most mysterious. It is believed that we choose a friend based on personal preferences, interests, lifestyle and even appearance, however, friends are often completely different people who differ in gender, age and values. The qualities inherent in friendship are the absence of selfish motives, trust, frankness. Unlike passion, which sooner or later fades away, friendships can last for years.