Psychologists have found that most women "love with their ears." The fair sex themselves agree with this statement. They are ready to listen to compliments from people of the opposite sex for hours, and this does not tire them in the least, on the contrary, it allows them to increase their self-esteem. And cute nicknames caress the ear every time a man addresses them.

It is necessary
Step 1
It would seem a simple task - to affectionately name your girlfriend. But this is so only at first glance. Coming up with an affectionate nickname for your beloved or just a familiar girl is a whole art. Not every member of the fair sex wants to become a "kitten" or "bunny". Each girl needs an individual approach. It all depends on the emotionality of the girl, the level of her intelligence and personal preferences. But there are certain tricks using which you can come up with an affectionate name for your passion.
Step 2
Psychologists say that nicknames that contain the sound "f" are unpleasant for women. But those in which there is a sound "w" on the contrary, have a calming effect on the girls, relaxes, allows you to forget about problems. The simplest affectionate nickname is a derivative of a name that contains the sound "sh" - Annushka, Yulyasha, Tanyusha, etc. will do quite well. You should not use the "x" sound in an affectionate nickname. Few of the women will like it if you call her Lenukha, Oksakha, Tanyukha, etc.
Step 3
Also, women react sharply to references to weight and age. So you shouldn't call your passion "bomb", "bun", "old woman" or "hippo". Even if a girl has an ideal figure, she is unlikely to like it, and if she has at least one extra kilogram, then such a nickname can become a reason for complexes.
Step 4
If your girlfriend is too romantic, then she may like pretentious appeals like "my happiness", "my love" or "my life." Such a nickname can please a lady with an extraordinary sense of humor.
Step 5
Many women enjoy being the object of attention and care. You can give her what she needs, show your love, referring to her as “my baby” or “my girl”. Then the woman in your society will really feel “yours” and protected. But the nicknames "baby" or "baby" can lead her to think about the frivolity of your relationship.