If An Offensive Nickname Clung To

If An Offensive Nickname Clung To
If An Offensive Nickname Clung To

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An offensive nickname that clung to a child at school or kindergarten can become a causal reluctance to attend a children's team. You cannot ignore this problem, otherwise in the future you will face a large number of fears and complexes in your child.

If an offensive nickname clung to
If an offensive nickname clung to


Step 1

Don't get involved in the conflict, but empathize with your child. An adult's intervention in a child's conflict will most likely lead to the opposite result - your baby will also be teased with a "snitch", "mama's boy", etc. And such qualities are extremely unpopular among children. And, even more dangerous, your child may stop sharing their problems and concerns. In a frank conversation, say that you understand his feelings. If possible, give an example from your own school life or from the childhood of a famous person. In addition, explain to your child that self-sufficient and intelligent peers do not waste time and energy on insulting and calling someone. offenders themselves have complexes and problems.

Step 2

Try to eliminate the reasons for teasing your child. If possible, this should be done before the nickname problem arises. Your child wears glasses - buy only fashionable and stylish models of this accessory, he is teased because of the weight - help your child lose weight, enroll him in the sports section, which will help improve his figure and develop muscles. Objectively evaluate your child: maybe he is being teased by a "crammer" or "upstart" because of arrogance towards less successful students? Help your son or daughter develop their abilities - the best-in-class athlete or chess player is unlikely to be teased.

Step 3

Teach your child to ignore teasing children. Explain that teasing is a common school thing, and if he doesn't respond to nicknames, bullies will soon lose interest in him. Young children can be taught the phrase "He who calls his name is called that himself." An older child may react to teasing with laughter or irony: “Is this your nickname at home?” “Well, you're a humorist! Think of something else! "," Am I a cockroach? And you are a dung beetle! I thought we were playing a new game. " Answers to the offender can be rehearsed at home to make them sound confident.

Step 4

Work on raising the baby's self-esteem: he is not “red-freckled”, but a happy owner of a rare hair color that the sun loves, not “fat”, but strong. Never compare your child to more successful children in school, praise him for improving his own results. Talk to your child on an equal footing, give him the opportunity to make decisions - this will raise him in his own eyes. Tell your little one more often that you love him. Children who are confident in the love of their loved ones are usually the most socially successful in the children's team.
