Very often in a love union, partners do not call each other by name, but come up with affectionate nicknames, without thinking about the sound and meanings of these words. Nicknames for loved ones are chosen on a subconscious level, reflecting deep feelings and experiences.

Baby - Your partner primarily thinks about sexual satisfaction of his needs. He is specific and not inclined to complicate anything. In bed, such a person loves to experiment, have fun and have fun. Unfortunately, such individuals are not capable of serious relationships.
Baby - Such a person knows how to look after, but is not interested in your real feelings. By calling you that, your partner is actively calling you into contact with sexual intentions.
Zaya, bunny - The partner is not averse to playing with you, prone to excitement. And deep down he is very jealous and is closely watching you.
Beloved, beloved - your partner needs tenderness, care and affection. Such a person is prone to sensual exaggeration and is ready to act decisively and assertively.
Kisa, kisya - The partner is tuned in to close contact and, most likely, does not want to complicate the situation. Such a person has a very gentle nature and can be easily controlled.
Paw, lapul - The partner is very active, ready to work and live for you.
Gold, sweetheart - In such a person, reason prevails over feelings, but at the same time, the partner emphasizes the importance of your relationship.
Tiger cub - The partner is ready for an equal union, respects your independence.
Mouse, mouse - The partner has strong feelings and great affection for you. Very often unrestrained.
Dear, dear - A person, first of all, values certainty and confidence in a relationship. As a rule, such a person has feelings in second place.
Sweetheart, sweetheart - your partner does not like intrigue and gossip, he really appreciates you and your relationship. He tries not to quarrel and not swear with you, because feelings prevail over reason.
Durynda - I am ready to forgive you for any mistake. Such a partner is energetic and ready to take control of the situation.
Hedgehog, hedgehog - A person is used to giving your relationship special significance. The partner is sometimes unrestrained, but he is very afraid of losing you.
Goat, goat - Your partner feels complete closeness and an inextricable bond with you. You are a loved one for him, whom he would not mind teasing.
Small, small - The partner is confident, values feelings and is ready to be attentive and caring.
Sweet, sweet - Personality deliberately emphasizes its emotionality. At the same time, he is balanced and calm.
Sunshine, sun - your partner has tenderness and keen interest in you. Appreciates relationships and is afraid of losing you.