To arouse her beloved man, who, after a long relationship, has already cooled a little towards his soul mate, a woman must be able to undress beautifully.

Step 1
Remember that sexy underwear, beautiful clothes and other little things can be useful for a man's excitement, but this is not your main trump card. For a man, the main thing is not what exactly you are wearing, but how skillfully you will take it all off. First of all, you yourself must believe that you have only one task: to excite your young man and give him pleasure. Only in this way will your behavior become more sexual and relaxed.
Step 2
Understand that you are not in a beauty contest, next to you is your beloved man, who has already thoroughly studied your appearance, so all complexes and fears should be forgotten. Most likely, he will turn his attention to more than just how you look. He will be very pleased with your initiative.
Step 3
Do a little rehearsal while alone in front of a mirror. You must make sure that during the most crucial moment you do not get tangled in a T-shirt, do not hesitate to unbutton the shirt buttons, or your dress zipper does not get stuck.
Step 4
Of course, the presence of sexy clothes is not a mandatory attribute, but still you should not lose sight of it. For such an occasion, lace lingerie, stockings, a short red bodycon dress, bright makeup, a good hairstyle and high heels are perfect.
Step 5
Try to create an intimate atmosphere. You can use dim lights, scented candles, and light romantic music. The decor should hint to your man about an interesting continuation of the evening.
Step 6
Think in advance about your movements and the sequence in which you will take off your clothes. Use all your artistry and try to look at the man with excitement and ardent passion.
Step 7
An excellent option would be not only a frank speech, but also a premeditated image. You can visit a sexy lingerie store and purchase for yourself a nurse, policeman, stewardess or any other costume that can surprise and delight your lover. Remember that men are very tired of banality and routine, but such a surprise will bring completely new emotions and feelings into your relationship, and rekindle your passion with renewed vigor. In addition, such innovations will eliminate the likelihood of the appearance of third parties in your relationship. If a man is sure that for his sake you will do anything, he will love only you.