What Kind Of Female Legs Do Men Like

What Kind Of Female Legs Do Men Like
What Kind Of Female Legs Do Men Like

Undoubtedly, beautiful legs are the most exciting part of a woman. Women's legs in thin tights, slender, covered with an even tan, thrown one on top of the other, just magically begin to act on a man. It is this part of the body that is capable of sending unambiguous erotic signals to the male head, and it simply drives some people crazy.

What kind of female legs do men like
What kind of female legs do men like

What exactly attracts men to women's legs?

First of all, both mature men and young guys are attracted by the length of women's legs. But this is not the only indicator that some men pay attention to.

Very often, not only long-legged beauties will be welcome, but also girls of small stature with neat feet, with well-groomed nails, who prefer to walk in high heels.

In Britain, special studies were carried out, according to which it was found that the sexiest feet are size 36, provided that they are dressed in high-heeled shoes, the height of which is more than eight centimeters. The color of the nail polish must be bright red.

Among celebrities, Sophia Loren and Victoria Beckham are generally recognized as owners of perfect feet.

Some men pay special attention to the grooming of their feet, and on the basis of this, conclusions are drawn about the habits and character of the owner of the legs. Almost forty percent of women are ashamed of their feet, they constantly wear only closed shoes and boots, even during the summer season.

What is the origin of the feeling of desire in men associated with the sight of female legs?

When a man sees a woman, the level of hormones in his blood immediately rises. This is due to the fact that women's legs are significantly different from those of a man. Even the knees of women are several times more tender, but the thighs are rounder, the lower legs are slender, the skin is smooth. The uppermost part of the legs (intimate triangle) is more attractive to any man. According to Morris Desmond, at the sight of a beautiful female body in men, it is this part of the body that is drawn in the imagination. The gaze of the opposite sex attracts female legs more than any hypnosis.

A male fantasy can be played out not only by the female legs themselves, but also by the way they move. For a long time, a taboo was imposed on women's legs, since they are located very close to the genitals. For a very long time, women's legs were covered with long dresses to the heels, it was forbidden to bare ankles, and high boots with lacing were worn on their feet.

From the foregoing, it is clear that men like slender legs, with small feet, with brightly painted nails and, most importantly, well-groomed ones.
