7 Classic Female Misconceptions About Men

7 Classic Female Misconceptions About Men
7 Classic Female Misconceptions About Men

Most girls dream of ideal men, princes on a white horse. But for some reason there are only the most ordinary guys around, which is very annoying and makes you withdraw into yourself. As a result, the search for the ideal young man can take many years and even decades. And the reason for this is that the girls' idea of men is formed on the basis of movies, beautiful stories and fairy tales.

7 classic female misconceptions about men
7 classic female misconceptions about men

The man should

A man, like a woman, owes nothing to anyone. According to the constitution of our country, people of both sexes are equal in their rights and duties. And if they do something, it is solely of their own free will. The same goes for the decisions they make.


For example, a popular female stereotype that a man should meet first. Nowadays, many girls get to know men on their own, develop relationships or end them.

Men only need one thing

This stereotype prevents most girls from adequately perceiving unfamiliar men. It seems to them that all men are sexual maniacs and their only dream is to drag them into bed.

In fact, this is not the case. For young guys who have hormones playing, sex means a lot. But not all of them. For mature men, sexual relations are not in the first place at all.

In the opinion of the men themselves, the delusion that men only need sex is true only for those women who, apart from sex, have nothing to offer.

All the guys are cheating

In most cases, this statement can be heard from the lips of those ladies who have already had a bad relationship experience. And who, on the basis of this experience, decided that all representatives of the stronger sex are unfaithful to their wives, girlfriends and partners.


In fact, cheating is a consequence of the fact that there are long-standing problems in the relationship between a man and a woman and there is no desire or opportunity to solve them. If the relationship is established in a couple, then the problem of treason, as a rule, does not arise.

Any normal modern man is capable of not cheating on his girlfriend or woman for years, and often all his life.

Although in some ways this is a delusion and true: according to statistics, husbands cheat on their wives much more often than wives on their husbands.

Only wealthy men can be good husbands

This is partly true: a man should be able to earn money and resources for himself and his family. But in our time, the roles in families are often divided in a different way: a woman can earn a living, and a man can take care of the house and children. And this is not because the man is bad. It's just that the spouse is lucky to earn a lot, and the husband can focus on other family responsibilities.


And the delusion that among rich men all are good, well-mannered, decent and ideal makes girls one day make a big mistake. Big money, especially not earned by one's sweat, but inherited or won, greatly spoil people. As a result, the heirs of wealthy fathers become spoiled and capricious, the existence with which can ruin the life of any girl.

In life, the opposite often happens: many women, creating a family with a poor man, later live happily with him all their lives. And the amount of happiness does not depend on the wallet at all.

All men are football and hockey fans

Football and hockey are the most popular and spectacular sports games on our planet. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are a lot of men among fans of football and hockey. And some girls also regularly root for their favorite football and hockey teams.


But besides football, there are other sports that men can adhere to. In the United States, for example, European football has almost no fans. In that country, it is customary to root for basketball, baseball and American football.

In Japan, the most spectacular competitions are sumo wrestlers. And among women, the fans of this sport are no less than among men.

In addition, a large part of the stronger sex is not interested in sports at all. None.

The car is the second wife

There are many among men who love cars. But they do not devote much more time to this occupation than other men do to their hobby. Most of the stronger sex treat cars in the same way as other technology: computers, phones, tanks and motorcycles.


And the roots of this delusion go back to the era of the USSR, when cars took a long time to maintain and repair. When the men disappeared after work in their garages, arranging their men's gatherings there with beer and something stronger.

The husband lies on the couch all the time

When a man comes home after work, his desire to rest is quite normal. Especially if his work is hard and involves physical labor.


But most men have many other interests that they would happily pursue instead of lying on the couch. Only lazy people who have lost interest in what is happening around them constantly spend time on the couch.

In many families, men are happy to help their wife with the housework, cook, take care of the children, devote time to their hobbies.
