Classic Triangle: Child - Parents - School

Classic Triangle: Child - Parents - School
Classic Triangle: Child - Parents - School

The first grade opens a new era not only in the life of the child himself, but also of the whole family. For a child, going to school carries a lot of discoveries, new knowledge, but also new rules and responsibilities. For parents, among other things, there is the task of teaching the child to take responsibility for learning, behavior at school, and homework.

Classic triangle: child - parents - school
Classic triangle: child - parents - school

And at first everything is usually easy and simple. The child goes to school with interest and completes all the tasks. But the program gets more complicated from lesson to lesson. Homework becomes a daily routine, taking away precious time from games and entertainment. This is often reflected in academic performance, academic performance declines, and the child and parents become upset. As a result, this can lead to both a complete loss of interest in learning and problems in the child's relationship with his parents.

In this case, parents should not blame the child or teacher for failures. It is very important to help your child adapt to new conditions. Homework should never be a punishment for a child. Your child may need a few breaks while doing it. You shouldn't swear and fight it. This is normal for primary school children. They get tired quickly and need a change of activity. It is better to discuss the rest time with the child. Also, you should not spend your rest time sitting in front of the TV or at the computer. It is better if the child spends this time actively, outdoors, or at least just with toys. You can teach your child to do gymnastics for the eyes and light motor warm-up. Exercises can be easily found on the internet.

The necessity and usefulness of homework should be explained to the child, and not presented to him as an irrefutable fact. It should be remembered that one explanation may not be enough for a child, and a second conversation on the same topic will be needed in a week. The main thing is not to lose self-control, to talk to the child calmly, not to dismiss his questions and objections.

Behavior and work in class are also very important for successful learning. If you have problems with this, then you need to talk to the teacher. But not in order to make claims against him, but in order to clarify the problems of the child. Because of what specifically the problems arise: he is easily distracted, or listens inattentively, or he is more interested in communicating with one of his classmates. Depending on the conditions, you should act individually in each case. You can ask for advice from a teacher or school psychologist, if available.
