A pleasant scent attracts men to women no less than a beautiful face, a slender figure and a great sense of humor. Therefore, you should always be very careful when choosing perfumes and other cosmetics for yourself.

The scent of a woman is a very significant part of her image. It greatly influences the impression that a lady makes on others. Especially for men. Of course, first of all, it is the natural aroma of the skin and hair that is important, but knowing which smells are most popular with the stronger sex, you can cheat and slightly correct it.
From the history
Even in Ancient Athens, ladies regularly used mint and palm oil to care for their bodies. They were believed to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
Already in the Middle Ages, perfumers were engaged in the manufacture of various mixtures that men liked. They were very popular with noble ladies. Often, the compositions turned out to be very dubious. For example, to attract young people, flower tinctures were mixed with the urine of a newborn baby or the liquid squeezed out of a newly killed toad with essential oils. Today it is already difficult to say whether women managed to achieve the desired effect with their help, but such recipes were extremely popular, as evidenced by the numerous old recipes found.

Today, fragrances for attracting men are more sophisticated and sophisticated. There are even special "spirits of desire", which, according to the manufacturer, instantly ignite passion in a young man, even without the urine of a baby or toad "juice". True, the reviews about them are completely different.
Favorite men's scents
In most cases, when meeting a girl, guys are attracted by her natural scent. Often, young ladies do not even think about how important it is for the emergence of sympathy and mutual sexual desire and try to completely drown it out with liters of sweet perfume.
It is enough to regularly pay attention to your hygiene so that the toilet water is not needed at all. If you still want to use your favorite perfume, let it be just a few drops so that they do not completely interrupt the natural pleasant female scent.
When choosing a perfume composition in order to please a man, you should pay attention to options with notes of mint and / or geranium. Most young people are attracted to these scents. They relax, calm down and, as it were, suggest that it is comfortable and easy to be around this woman. You can simply apply a few drops of natural essential oil mixed with a suitable base on your wrist. Such a natural composition will perfectly replace any perfume.

The aroma of ginger and nutmeg has a beneficial effect on male potency and attracts the stronger sex on a subconscious level. And the smell of vanilla significantly affects the perception of a girl by a young man. A young lady with a sweet perfume always seems more tender, romantic, kind. A man unconsciously begins to perceive her as an excellent hostess, able to surround his companion with care and attention. In addition, the smell of vanilla "reduces" the age of the lady.
In general, young people love all confectionery aromas. But this does not mean at all that you have to carry a freshly made dessert in your pocket. Today, you can find very unusual perfumes on sale, for example, with the scent of gingerbread cookies, mint gingerbread or tiramisu. They smell really amazing and are guaranteed to attract male attention.
Citrus aromas also attract men. Therefore, girls can safely choose for themselves perfumes with notes of orange, grapefruit or lime. A safe option is also the smell of cinnamon, musk, cedar, sandalwood, jasmine. The main thing is not to mix all the flavors at once. It is enough that at least one / two of them are present in the woman's perfume.
Mom's perfume
Psychologists give women an interesting hint - find out what perfume the mother of the guy they like prefers and use it on one of their first dates. The scent that a woman chooses is in most cases the most attractive to her son. If a new acquaintance has the same perfume, the young man will unconsciously begin to trust her immediately, he will feel as comfortable and calm as possible next to her.
Regardless of what scent a girl chooses for herself, if it turns out to be too bright and intrusive, it will only alienate the man. The smell should be subtle, subtle and delicate.