The love needs of a man and a woman are very different, but rarely does anyone fully realize this. A woman gives the love that she would like to receive herself, and therefore does not see a response. The same thing happens with men. So what kind of love and how should lovers give each other?

Step 1
A woman expects from her beloved man care, interest in her life and help in difficult situations. It is very important for her to feel that she is not indifferent, that they are worried about her and cared for. A man needs trust from a woman, which appears when she sees that it is important to him. Thus, a man should give care to a woman, and she will answer him with her trust.
Step 2
If a man learns to understand and listen to his beloved every time she needs it, he will satisfy one of her needs for love. On the part of the partner, it is very important to accept your loved one for who he is, and not try to remake him in your own way. If she sees any flaws in him, he does not correct them, but gives the man a chance to cope with them himself.
Step 3
A woman needs to be respected and her interests put first, only in this case she will be able to give the man what he needs - gratitude for his attitude towards her. If a partner remembers important dates, never forgets to warn of being late and often gives flowers, she will be sincerely grateful to him for the fact that he is doing everything to make her feel good. Gratitude is like water necessary for men.
Step 4
If a man is devoted to a woman, puts her first in his life, she will have true admiration for him. The partner will begin to look at her beloved with joyful eyes, full of love and surprise, and admire every time she opens something new in him, and this is what a man expects from a woman.
Step 5
It is important for a man to accept a woman's opinion, even if his point of view differs from hers. There is no need to argue, because it is not so difficult to accept the right to exist of an idea that is part of a loved one. And the woman, in response, will approve of any actions of her partner, even if she is not completely in solidarity with them. At the very least, she will express the hope that he is moving in the right direction, and will help him in every way.
Step 6
The man should reinforce the woman's confidence that she is still loved. Every time she needs to be reminded how beautiful and desirable she is, because any recognition passes the expiration date. In response, the partner will encourage any actions of a man, believe in his solvency and strength, and this is what will move him forward in order to conquer even more peaks.