Quite often, young people make mistakes in relationships with girls, which they later regret and do not know how to apologize to a girl and get her forgiveness. If the girl refuses to forgive you, it means that the quarrel was serious, or you greatly hurt and offended her. Nevertheless, you can get forgiveness from a girl even if she herself says that she will never forgive you.

Step 1
The girls are very violently experiencing quarrels, so before apologizing, wait a while for the emotions to subside and the girl to calm down. A short pause will allow you to take a break from the stress, and the girl will objectively reflect on what happened. After a while, the girl will start to get bored, and then you can try to apologize to her.
Step 2
You shouldn't apologize to a girl over the phone or via SMS. The best way to truly ask for forgiveness is to do it in person, or in extreme cases, write a paper letter and mail it or put it yourself in her inbox.
Step 3
Compliment the girl, tell her that you love her and that she is the only and best girl in your life. Let her know that she stands out from the crowd and that you value and cherish her.
Step 4
Don't focus on the fight that has happened. Instead, tell the girl as much good as possible to evoke warm feelings in her. Console the girl and tell her that you sincerely regret that you have offended her.
Step 5
Try also to apologize to her in front of witnesses - if a girl sees that more than a dozen people have watched the apology, she will not be able to resist and will forgive you. Order a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a postcard for the girl, which must be delivered by a courier to her home address, work or university. The girl should feel that she is dear to you, and that you do not want to lose her.
Step 6
Do original and non-standard actions - order a love serenade for the girl, write her poems, ask the lecturer at her university to announce before the lecture that you are asking her for forgiveness. Make a presentation with photographs of your love story.
Step 7
Try talking to the girl's best friends or parents - get them to take your side and also ask the girl to forgive you. Be creative and considerate, and in the end, the offended girl will give up and you will be forgiven.