There are no lovers who do not quarrel. Often, these quarrels are the result of a man's frivolous absurd trick, which he can later greatly regret. But the deed is done, which means that everything does not go too far and the relationship does not end, it's time to act. When it seems that the banal phrase "I'm sorry" cannot resolve the situation, you can apologize to the girl with the help of poetry.

- - PC with Internet access,
- - bouquet,
- - mobile phone,
- - collections of lyric poems.
Step 1
Write a verse apology. In it, indicate that you admit your ridiculous mistake and very much regret it.
Step 2
If you have no talent for writing poetry, then use the help of such famous poets as A. S. Pushkin. What is the excerpt worth:
My apologies
A little sleepy hand!
You can resort to the help of M. I. Tsvetaeva, A. A. Akhmatova and other prominent writers.
Step 3
If you do not have time to re-read the works of poets, but you need to act as quickly as possible, use the help of Internet portals. Here you will always find a lot of poems by unknown authors and works of world famous poets. Choose from them the most suitable for your occasion or just a lyrical passage that will tell your chosen one about your love.
Step 4
Order the service of sending a comic SMS apology. However, it can also be a song that the beloved will hear when answering a call.
Step 5
Send by courier a beautiful bouquet with a card on which you can write an excerpt of the selected poem or your own handwritten poem.
Step 6
Make an appointment with the girl, at which the poetic apology sent by the letter, read to her again, but this time in person. Talk to her, explaining that life without her is not sweet.