Online dating hasn't surprised anyone for a long time. Moreover, with the emergence and active development of social networks, they have become commonplace, because it can be so difficult to resist adding to your friends a person whose avatar you like so much. Despite the seeming absurdity of dating on the Internet, there are many real cases when people, having met by correspondence, later created families. There is love on the Internet, but you just need to follow some rules in order to get a pen pal as quickly as possible.

It is necessary
Computer, internet access, social network account
Step 1
In real life, they are met by their clothes, and on the Internet by their avatar. A good profile picture is 90% of your online appeal. A lot of attention and rave reviews are attracted by photographs taken with a professional camera and with a certain author's "twist". Imagine how you can rivet the guy's attention to your photo, so much so that he will definitely open your page and fully familiarize himself with the information. But do not allow frank and vulgar photos, everything is fine in moderation. Also, you should not put in a profile a photo in which you are standing in front of a mirror and take pictures of yourself on your phone, as well as autos decorated with pictures from various sites like
Step 2
Edit your profile information. Learn to look at yourself through the eyes of a man and evaluate what is attractive and what is not. Intrigue your potential boyfriend with an unusual description, without the use of hackneyed and meaningless quotes for foolish girls. Of course, there is no dispute about tastes, but the numerous fans of "Eleven Minutes" by Paulo Coelho and "The Master and Margarita" already on a subconscious level scare off most of the adequate guys. Not because these are bad works, but rather because the majority of those who indicate this in "Favorite Books" have never held Bulgakov in their hands. If you want to surprise the guys with your tastes, then, of course, indicate your favorite works, but first think about whether you will scare away all the gentlemen.
Step 3
Of course, young people will be added to your friends, expressing a desire to communicate. Conduct your correspondence with restraint, do not abuse emoticons and Internet slang. Remember that on the Internet, as in real life, guys do not like it when a girl easily agrees with everything. Do not be rude, communicate without sarcasm, with humor, but you should not do everything he says. Until your first meeting, you are strangers, and trusting a stranger with your contact details or opening your soul is very unwise.