Despite the fact that demographic statistics in our country do not speak in favor of women, they remain very picky in choosing a partner. Not every man seeks reciprocity from a woman. How to succeed in this field and fall in love with the lady to whom your heart belongs?

Step 1
To communicate with a woman, choose the role of a reliable man who you can always rely on and who is ready to take on the solution of her problems. If you can really help in a difficult situation, this will greatly endear your chosen one. It is known that women's love often begins with gratitude.
Step 2
Give the woman the impression that she falls short of you in some way. For example, if your lady smokes and you do not, notice that smoking is a bad habit. Another example: if you are athletic, and the lady of your heart does not favor fitness, tell her that if she devotes time to sports, her beauty will last longer. However, make such remarks unobtrusively and half-jokingly. Your goal is to make a woman want to imitate you, to reach out for you. It's great if you can inspire admiration in a lady of your heart.
Step 3
Watch yourself. The times when a man had to meet the parameters of "mighty, smelly and hairy" are over, but metrosexuals, who groom and cherish themselves beyond all measure, attract very few women. From a feminine point of view, all that is required of a normal man in terms of appearance is to look clean and tidy.
Step 4
If you cannot boast of special beauty, do not worry - for women this almost does not matter. It is much more important that you keep your figure fit: do not gain excess weight, and most importantly, do not grow a "beer belly".
Step 5
Do not give the woman the full depth of your feelings ahead of time. It is about this that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said: "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us." Play the role of a good friend until you feel like the woman is in love or is attracted to you.
Step 6
If your friendship period is too long, use the fail-safe method. Pretend to fall in love with someone else. Women really do not like to let men out of the circle of their fans. In such a situation, the lady, most likely, will go over all your dignity herself and inspire herself that she is in love with you.