Men fall in love as often as women. If girls value masculinity and some other qualities in the stronger sex, guys first pay attention to their appearance. However, it is not beauty that awakens feelings, but the inner world of a person.

What kind of women do men like?
Indeed, representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to attractive women, but in fact, external beauty plays a role only at the first stage of the development of relationships. When feelings move to a new level, the most significant parameters are mutual understanding, support, the ability to find compromises during controversial issues, and mutual respect.
Beautiful women often focus on their own person, they are characterized by selfishness and even self-centeredness. These traits will not bring anything good to family life. But it's easier to communicate with unattractive girls. Realizing their external shortcomings, such representatives of the weaker sex value their partner, think about what to do for his good. They know how to listen and hear their beloved, show maximum care for him and try to provide him with coziness and comfort. It's easier to talk to women like that. They often have a high level of intelligence, are able to support various conversations, and this is very important for men. If a girl does not have natural attractiveness, but has many other positive traits, she may well become indispensable for her beloved.
How can an ugly woman win a man's heart?
For others to love you, you must love yourself. People don't like women who are insecure. Feel like a goddess, and that is how you will appear to others. If you do not have beauty, it does not mean that you cannot become sexy. Sexuality is manifested not in appearance, but in the manner of communication of a girl, her ability to flirt and communicate with men.
In a conversation with the stronger sex, do not allow yourself too much. Do not criticize men and others, speak softly and culturally. Femininity is one of the main weapons of the modern girl.
If we consider the traits that affect the feelings of a man, you will notice that beauty is far from the first place. The first place, oddly enough, is taken by the mind. With wisdom, you can always remain a mystery to your beloved. He will surely appreciate all your virtues and love you, despite your unattractive appearance.
Don't forget that people have different tastes and preferences. What seems ugly to one can become the most beautiful for another. Just strive for self-improvement and walk through life with a smile. Then you will definitely meet a worthy man.