Isn't it a joke - to react to the very presence of a doctor? Is it possible. Blood pressure may rise, pulse quicken, dizziness may begin, and even fainting may occur. Internal fear of the doctor is the real reason for feeling unwell.

Since childhood, the doctor has been associated with the likelihood of causing pain. A prick is a much more serious horror story than the threat of being put in a corner or stuck with a belt. Soviet children, who experienced reusable syringes, blunt needles, stories about droppers through which "air can go", formed and honed their fear of any medical manipulation.
They pass it on by inheritance, bullying their children. You don't have to tell the horror stories of the hospital to do this. It is enough to strenuously pity those who got there and show your panic before visiting or arriving a doctor. With a shudder, remember the manipulations done or talk about the executions that the medical staff own.
As a result, one appearance of an employee "in white" can cause a real panic attack. Fear of the white coat is a term recognized by mainstream medicine.

Adults tend to have enough restraint to hide their emotions and behave in a manner that is decency. In their right mind, they do not rush in panic along the corridors of the clinic and do not scream with fear. They just sit quietly and then faint in the doctor's office. Or they experience a significant rise in blood pressure, tachycardia, sweating and redness of the skin.
As a result, the doctor has every reason to suspect a hypertensive crisis or an adverse cardiovascular event. Debriefing begins. Clarifying examinations, analyzes, examinations … The patient becomes very ill and requires hospitalization.
All this can be avoided if you warn the doctor in advance that you are afraid of doctors. There is nothing surprising. The doctor will treat your peculiarities with understanding and will take this into account during the examination and further recommendations.

If you do not inform, for example, a cardiologist, then he can make a false judgment about the degree of arterial hypertension or about the pulse rate. As a result, the prescribed dosages of drugs will be overestimated. To prevent this from happening, always warn the doctor in advance: "Doctor, I'm afraid of you."
The difficulty is that the fear of the white coat is uncontrollable. The patient himself is not able to do anything with it without the help or advice of a specialist. He cannot take and stop being afraid. Even with the realization that unpleasant manipulations will not occur, a person is unable to change his attitude, not to feel fear. In this case, it is better to take care of sedatives in advance. And be sure to tell your doctor which drug you have taken and why.
Now many medical institutions buy work uniforms for employees of children's departments with funny characters from cartoons or just with a funny color print. This form is perceived more calmly by young patients, and the doctor does not look threatening. Adult departments allow not only white, but also other colors, however, preference is given to plain clothes.

Good medical clothing is in every way an excellent way to increase patient loyalty to the doctor. The white coat is a symbol of the doctor's clear conscience. Therefore, most experts adhere to the classic white color. The physician's image is an important aspect of the medical institution's image. We all have a lot of work to do so that it is perceived by the future generation more calmly and does not cause fear.