How To Protect Children From Injuries And Their Consequences

How To Protect Children From Injuries And Their Consequences
How To Protect Children From Injuries And Their Consequences

Summer gives children a wonderful opportunity to spend more time outdoors, ride bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, hoverboards. Active games in the air give so many positive emotions, enrich the blood with oxygen, strengthen the muscles of children and their health. But at the same time, they bring trouble in the form of injuries: falls, bruises, bruises, abrasions, cuts.

childhood traumas
childhood traumas

The task of adults is to help the child minimize the number of injuries and help him cope with them. An important point is the awareness of children about possible dangers. Adults should explain to children how to skate properly, where to skate, where you can walk, run, jump, where it should be done with utmost caution, and where it is absolutely impossible to do it.

For example, you cannot play on the road. You need to carefully ride in the yards, there may be a sudden appearance of cars. Play carefully in playgrounds where there is no safe cover to protect children from injury in the event of a fall. An adult should explain this to a child long before going outside, and not after an injury.

Adults should attend to the purchase of special protection for children for rollerblading, skateboards. You need to protect the knees, elbows and head of the child. If the injury cannot be avoided, the adult should never panic, because it can scare the child even more.

In case of cuts, abrasions, the wound should be washed, treated with an antiseptic, and sealed with a plaster. Ice or refrigerated objects must be applied to the site of the injury. Minor bruises go away on their own without special treatment, but severe bruises should be shown to a traumatologist. Special attention is paid to head bruises to exclude concussion.

In any case, if there are doubts about the condition of the child, you need to show him to the doctor. The most important thing for a child in such a situation is the support of loved ones. It is important not to forget the child, hug and regret.
