The choice of books for 11-12-year-old boys is quite large: there is a large number of works of Russian and foreign literature of different genres, designed for adolescence.

Early adolescence is a good time for "drunken" reading, introducing the child to good adventure or science fiction literature, books about nature and history.
Science fiction and fantasy
Fiction literature for this age includes not only classic science fiction, but also fantasy or alternate universe books. Of the Russian authors writing for children and adolescents, Vladislav Krapivin can be noted. Young readers will love the series Deep in the Great Crystal and the Dovecote in a Yellow Glade. Each episode consists of several fairly large stories. Krapivin's non-serial books are also noteworthy. One of the classics of children's science fiction of the 20th century is E. Veltistov with a trilogy about Electronics (the book can be offered after watching the film).
The Chronicles of Narnia by K. S. Lewis. There are 7 books in the cycle, each of which can be read as an independent work. A charming work, a small passage that is included even in school textbooks of literature, is "The Hobbit" by J. R. R. Tolkien: this tale is read with pleasure not only by children and adolescents, but also by adults. The beginning of the famous Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, namely "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is designed specifically for the age of 11-12 years (it is assumed that the reader will grow up with the heroes entering the Hogwarts school at the age of 11).
The best SF American literature for teenagers is considered to be books by R. E. Heinlein: "I have a spacesuit - I'm ready to travel", "Star Beast", etc.
Adventure literature
Almost all teenage boys love adventure stories. Some of the most popular books for children of this age in the adventure genre are Mark Twain's books about Tom Soeyer and Huckleberry Finn. Astrid Lindgren's wonderful stories can also be called classics, in most of which the heroes are boys from 10 to 14 years old.
Cognitive literature
As a rule, 11-year-old boys really like J. Darrell's books about animals. Of his works for children, "My Family and Other Animals" is considered the best, where the author appears to be the same age as the readers - a ten-year-old boy. From Darrell's fairy-tale books, one can note the story for children "The Talking Bundle".
Other remarkable animal painters (E. Setton-Thompson, B. Zhitkov, V. Bianchi) wrote mainly for adults, but their books are quite understandable for younger adolescents.
The myths of the peoples of the world can become fascinating reading for boys of this age: ancient Greek, Scandinavian and Egyptian.