That a baby will soon be born, a woman can feel in a week. You just need to listen more carefully to your feelings. Shortly before childbirth, the woman's breathing becomes free, since the uterus no longer presses on the diaphragm. In addition, you can observe abdominal prolapse and feel aching pain in the lower back. It remains to wait for the birth, the ease of which largely depends on the woman.

Step 1
Relax. Labor will be easy and pain-free if you are calm. The tension will not allow the cervix to open quickly, which means that the labor will be delayed.
Step 2
In order for the child to be well supplied with oxygen, it is necessary to breathe correctly during contractions. Breathe deeply when you feel pain approaching. Full breaths in and out.
Step 3
Breathe shallowly at the start of your contractions. Inhaling and exhaling rhythmically. Remember to remind yourself of the benefits of relaxation.
Step 4
At the end of the contraction, inhale with your belly and chest. Then exhale slowly.
Step 5
Resume normal breathing between contractions. Relax. Do breathing exercises and the pain during contractions will not be as severe.
Step 6
To relieve tension and relieve pain, stroking the lower back, as well as the front abdomen, will help. The lower back should be rubbed from top to bottom in the region of the sacrum.
Step 7
Do not take pain relief medications. Their effect on the child's body can be dire.
Step 8
During contractions, try to find the most comfortable position for yourself. Walk, sit, stand, swing your hips - in a word, do everything that helps relieve pain and speed up labor. It is worth noting that swinging the hips relaxes the perineum, helps the uterus to open and eliminates discomfort.
Step 9
Try getting on all fours or sitting on a chair and spread your legs wide. You can also lie on your side with pillows under your chest and between your legs. Such positions help many women in labor to give birth easily.